Listen to the mustn’ts child.
Listen to the don’ts.
Listen to the shouldn’ts,
the impossibles, the won’ts,
Listen to the never haves,
then listen close to me…
-Shel Silverstein
First I have to say that I LOVE Shel Silverstein’s poetry! He teaches so many incredible lessons through his books and poems. If you haven’t read his book The Giving Tree or the Missing Piece you are truly missing out in life – get them and read them…so worthwhile! And read them to your kids. I love that he teaches profound life lessons using simple stories – it’s my favorite way to teach and to be taught.
When I saw this poem today I knew I had to share it because it fits perfectly with my thoughts and messages from this week.
As we are all heading into this new time in our lives and this new year I just want all of us to remember that ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN and ANYTHING CAN BE. It truly can! I believe it with all my heart.
Life is beautiful and amazing and a blessing and a gift. It is meant to help us learn and grow and improve and become the very best we can be. It is also meant to allow us to serve one another and help one another grow and improve and become our best. We all have to be 100% responsible for ourselves and our own choices and actions in life, but we all get to have the benefit of receiving love and support from each other. How awesome is that?!
As you determine your goals and plans for this new year think big – let your imagination run wild – go back to that mindset when you were a little kid and you believed that absolutely anything is possible because it is! Don’t limit yourself or your desires for this year. Dream big and know that wishes do come true! Anything can happen. Anything can be.
~Amy Rees Anderson
I have read other poetry by him, but not the ones you mentioned. I got a friend to join me in setting goals and holding each other accountable. I made us a spiral bound book with a page for every week where we can check things off and report to each other every Sunday.
Good Day Amy. I just read your post about Delta Airlines. I’m not a CEO of a company or anything like that, but I am going thru a similar situation with Delta. I am in the process of writing their CEO, Ed Bastian a letter of complaint. I paid for Delta Comfort and they put me in economy and offered me 10,000 points as a refund which is not enough to satisfy me. I hope he responds to me in kind like he did with you.