Tag Archives: take the first step

There Are No Mistakes, Only Discoveries

Back in 2016 I took my family on a Disney Cruise to the Mediterranean. While on the cruise my son and daughter decided to go to a workshop they were holding on how to draw different Disney characters. At the start of the class the crew passed out pencils. These particular pencils had no erasers […]

Get Back Into The Swing Of Things – Tip Toe If You Must

It’s never easy getting back into the swing of things after being away for a period of time.  These last several weeks I traveled down to St. George to speak at a business conference, then I went immediately down to Lake Powell to host a group on our houseboat for over a week, and then […]

It’s not distance that keeps people apart; it’s a lack of communication

Communicating in relationships (whether at work, at home, or with friends) isn’t easy…in fact it takes a lot more effort to communicate with the other person then it does to avoid communicating, because communicating takes WO-ORK!  Yet what may have appeared easier (avoiding communicating) in the moment, will prove to have made your life far […]