Tag Archives: consider

Replenish, Renew, Refocus, and Improve

Every so often in life we all need to take a little break to be able to refill our tank, so to speak, to replenish our souls and to refocus on the things that are truly important. I often get so busy with everyday life that I forget to make time to do this, which […]

Apply The Triple Filter Test

I think most all of us have either been guilty of either saying something we shouldn’t have, or listening to something we ought not to, and likely we’ve made the mistake of doing both. It’s likely we have all made those mistakes more times than we wish we had, and I can’t think of a […]

It’s what you see that matters

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see” – Henry David Thoreau You could take a group of people and have them all look at the very same situation and yet later if you asked each person what they saw they will likely describe having seen different things. That’s because everyone’s […]

Imagine Your Life Without It

“If you want to appreciate what you have, imagine your life without it.” It’s an unfortunate thing, but it is all too often the case – In life it is so easy to fall into the trap of not appreciating all that we have. Whether it’s a person, or an experience, or a material possession, […]

Big Decisions and Avoiding the “What If” Bus

We are all familiar with the quote “Decisions determine destiny” and I genuinely believe that is the case. That is why it can be especially hard to make big decisions that come up in our lives. Anytime I have a big decision to make in life I think to myself “It would be so much […]

Re-evaluating Our Daily Routines

Vacations are without a doubt a HUGE blessing. But anytime you take time off or go away on a trip there is always the pain of struggling with re-entry back into your normal life again. For starters you get to deal with jet lag and having your body adjust back from any time differences, which […]

Put Yourself In The Running. Even If You Don’t Get Chosen, You Will Get Noticed (Forbes Article)

If there is something you want badly enough my advice is: Put yourself in the running. Even if you don’t get chosen, you will get noticed. As the CEO of a fast growing company I was constantly looking for great people to fill management positions within the company. Even though growth is a huge blessing […]

Look at it from a different perspective

Over the weekend I thought quite a bit about gratitude and our ability to completely change our thinking and perspective of situations that would be easy to be upset about or frustrated about to instead see a situation where there is something to feel truly grateful for.  I realize that as easy as it sounds for me to say […]

Don’t just hit it, knock it out of the park!

Once you agree to accept any assignment you need to force yourself to be all in.  Don’t ever take something on only to do it half-way. Life will be full of people who give you assignments that you might not get very excited about.  In fact, many of them you might even dread.  But once […]