Tag Archives: gossip

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Avoiding Self-Sabotage At Work

I wrote an article on Forbes.com called “Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself“. It’s a message worth resharing: I was standing in the security line at an airport when a TSA worker came walking alongside the line yelling out in an animated way, “No liquids, no aerosols, no gels or creams on the airplane…You better […]

Have You Ever Met A Hater Doing Better Than You? Me Neither.

“Haters don’t really hate you. In fact, they hate themselves because you’re a reflection of what they wish to be.” – unknown Today was World Day for Bullying Prevention, so it seems appropriate to share some past thoughts I’ve shared about bullying: Haters, bullies, mean people – they all suffer from one of the following: […]

Loyalty Is Returned

“Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.” Loyalty. Over the years I have learned so much about how vital loyalty is in our relationships. Whether it’s a relationship in business, a relationship with a family member, a relationship with a friend, a relationship with a spouse, a relationship with a […]

Gossiptown – Where Rumors and Falsehoods Abound

Gossiptown Have you ever heard of Gossiptown On the shore of Falsehood Bay, Where Old Dame Rumor with rustling gown Is going the livelong Day? It isn’t far to Gossiptown For people who want to go, The Idleness train will take you down In just an hour or so. The thoughtless road is crowded, you’ll […]

Shovels are cheap and that’s a really big mountain

One of the most difficult experiences for any father to go through is watching his daughter date. When our daughter Ashley, who is now 21 years old, was going out on her first double date at the age of 16, my husband greeted her date at the front door of our home. He then put […]

Apply The Triple Filter Test

I think most all of us have either been guilty of either saying something we shouldn’t have, or listening to something we ought not to, and likely we’ve made the mistake of doing both. It’s likely we have all made those mistakes more times than we wish we had, and I can’t think of a […]

Be Careful What You Plant

Over the weekend my husband and I went and picked up our first batch of flowers to plant in our yard. I say the first batch because it typically takes us five or six truckloads of flowers to get enough to cover the yard. Every year I try to talk him into hiring someone else […]

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself. Avoiding Self-Sabotage At Work (Forbes Article)

I was standing in the security line at an airport when a TSA worker came walking alongside the line yelling out in an animated way, “No liquids, no aerosols, no gels or creams on the airplane…You better check yourself before you wreck yourself!” I couldn’t stop myself from laughing out loud. As the CEO of […]

If you want truth then go to the source

“A lot of problems in the world would disappear if people talk to each other instead of about each other.” All of us have made the mistake of believing gossip to be true at one time or another. I know there was a time many years ago when I myselft got sucked into believing gossip […]

Your Biggest Haters Are Really Your Biggest Fans

Haters, bullies, mean people…they all have one thing in common…they all suffer from one of the following: 1.  They hate themselves, 2.  They want to be you, or 3.  They see you as a threat Think about it – “Have you ever met a hater doing better than you? Me Neither….” There are far too many […]

You Reap What You Sow

I am a big believer in the fact that we reap what we sow.  Not always do we get to sow our rewards as quickly as we would like, and by the same token other people who do bad things often don’t sow the punishments as quickly as we wish they would. But regardless of […]

Complaining About Yesterday Won’t Make Tomorrow Better (Forbes Article)

“Spending today complaining about yesterday won’t make tomorrow any better.” -unknown Nothing in life goes perfect for any of us, which means we can always find plenty of things to complain about. In fact, I’m fairly certain that most of us could fill our days complaining about things that have gone wrong in our lives […]

Talk to each other rather than about each other

“A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talk to each other instead of about each other.” Talking negatively about others is an easy trap to fall into. It typically starts innocent enough with a simple comment about something as trivial as the outfit someone has on that day, but then over […]


Have you ever felt so strongly about something that you wish you could jump up and literally scream it from the rooftops?  Well that is exactly how I feel about the things I shared in the article I posted yesterday for Forbes. Like I literally wish I had a megaphone that I could scream to […]

It’s Funny How Sometimes The People You’d Take A Bullet For Are The Ones Behind The Trigger (Forbes Article)

Actually it’s not really that funny at all…it’s really sad when it happens to be true. It’s unbelievably hard when someone you love and respect and consider a friend does something to hurt you deeply. It’s downright brutal. I’m sure many of us have been through times where this has happened. We are betrayed by […]

Talk to each other instead of about each other

“A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talk to each other instead of about each other.” Misunderstandings, hurt feelings, anger, frustration, sadness….so many of these negative emotions all stem from the fact that two people don’t talk to each other about things.  It happens in the workplace, it happens in friendships, […]

It’s a Daily Effort

Becoming the person you want to become is a daily effort and one that extends a lifetime.  It’s not as though one day you wake up and go “I’ve arrived! I am now the perfect person.  My work here is done.”  And if you do wake up thinking that you have a whole other set […]

Assume the Good and Doubt the Bad

“Think the best of each other, especially of those you say you love.  Assume the good and doubt the bad.”  -Jeffrey R. Holland So many times in life we hear something, or read something, or receive bits and pieces of information that leave room for interpretation of a situation or another person.  And the instant […]


Anyway People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and […]

Coping In A Toxic Work Environment (Forbes Article)

Recently, I had the occasion to observe a group of employees who were working in a toxic work environment.  I witnessed the decline of self-esteem in each one of them as they endured month after month of poor leadership and dysfunction in their workplace.   I was truly amazed at the change to the countenance of […]

It’s Not What Others Think, It’s What God Knows

I learned long ago that if we try to judge ourselves by what others think, we will inevitably find ourselves constantly disappointed and sad, because it is literally impossible to please everyone.  Not only that, but you have to realize that other people will never have all the facts of every detail of your life […]