Tag Archives: reconsider

Apply The Triple Filter Test

I think most all of us have either been guilty of either saying something we shouldn’t have, or listening to something we ought not to, and likely we’ve made the mistake of doing both. It’s likely we have all made those mistakes more times than we wish we had, and I can’t think of a […]

Re-evaluating Our Daily Routines

Vacations are without a doubt a HUGE blessing. But anytime you take time off or go away on a trip there is always the pain of struggling with re-entry back into your normal life again. For starters you get to deal with jet lag and having your body adjust back from any time differences, which […]

Life is Your Time To Dance. I Hope You Do It!

We all have an unknown amount of time to live our lives, and during that time we will have the opportunity to do many things like take chances, enjoy moments, fall down, get hurt, get back up, learn, and best of all….dance. The first time I heard the lyrics to the song below I fell […]