Tag Archives: pros

Big Decisions and Avoiding the “What If” Bus

We are all familiar with the quote “Decisions determine destiny” and I genuinely believe that is the case. That is why it can be especially hard to make big decisions that come up in our lives. Anytime I have a big decision to make in life I think to myself “It would be so much […]

Remember the old days when Apple was just a fruit?

Can you even remember what life was like before you had your Apple iPhone or some other brand of smartphone? Can you imagine for a second going back to that life? Let’s look at the pros and cons. Pros:  On the positive side we can be accessed real time, all the time, every day and […]

Six Steps to Making Good Decisions

It can be intimidating to make big decisions in life when you know they might have lasting consequences. Decisions like where to go to college, or who to marry, or what career to pursue, or where to live, or when to move, or when it’s time to try something new…all those things are big decisions […]

You can either regret or rejoice

Choices.  We make them almost every second of every day.  Some matter, some don’t.  Some have lasting consequences, some have next to no impact on our life.  The most important choices we make are the choices between right and wrong.  I also think those are the easiest ones to make if you know your values.  […]