Tag Archives: rejoice

From A Cloud Of Depression Into The Sunshine

“To press on in noble endeavors, even while surrounded by a cloud of depression, will eventually bring you out on top into the sunshine. – Ezra Taft Benson Ezra Taft Benson also suggests several things we can do to help pull us out of a cloud of depression and help bring us out into the sunshine: […]

Be That Star On The Hill #lighttheworld

Every night as I drive home the weeks before Christmas I look up on the hill above my house to see a big star that is lit up on the mountainside. It’s a star a neighbor has lit up for years during the holiday and I look forward to seeing it every night. There is […]

The Masterpiece Intended For You

I think this story is the perfect story to share this week. It’s a great story, but the message it teaches is one near and dear to my heart. It is called the story of Three Trees: Once upon a mountain top, three little trees stood and dreamed of what they wanted to become when […]

You can either regret or rejoice

Choices.  We make them almost every second of every day.  Some matter, some don’t.  Some have lasting consequences, some have next to no impact on our life.  The most important choices we make are the choices between right and wrong.  I also think those are the easiest ones to make if you know your values.  […]