Tag Archives: god loves you

He Did What We Could Not Do For Ourselves

“Years ago there was a little one-room schoolhouse in the mountains of Virginia where the boys were so rough that no teacher had been able to handle them. “A young, inexperienced teacher applied, and the old director scanned him and asked: ‘Young fellow, do you know that you are asking for an awful beating? Every […]

What are you going to regret more?

Sometimes we have to stop and ask ourselves: Which will we regret more? Doing it, and having it not work out in the end? Or not doing it, and wondering if it could have? And which feeling seems like it would be worse regarding the decision your trying to make – Looking back and thinking […]

My Christmas Gift To You

Given that this blog is the last one you will read before you celebrate Christmas Day I felt it only appropriate that in today’s blog I should give you your Christmas Gift from me. As I thought through what I could possibly give that would be meaningful to each of you and that could have […]