Tag Archives: intelligent

Believe In People

Believe in People: Bottom-up Solutions for a Top Down World is an awesome new book that I was blessed to receive an advance copy of from authors Charles Koch & Brian Hooks. I’ve had the privilege of getting to know both Charles and Brian personally over the last several years through Stand Together, a philanthropic […]

Traits of Highly Intelligent People

In an article written last year by Shanna Lebowitz for Business Insider she discussed 8 traits that research has shown that highly intelligent people tend to have in common: 1. They’re highly adaptable They learn to work around problems and find solutions when complications arise. 2. They understand how much they don’t know They aren’t afraid to […]

The Easiest Way To Get Incredibly Smart Really Fast

One of the easiest ways to get incredibly smart really fast is this – seek out people that are experts on a subject and ask them to explain what they know to you – if they start explaining it in really big words and technical terms stop them and ask, “Can you do me a […]

Stop Yourself From Making Bad Decisions: Wear The Comfortable Shoes!

I decided to start something called a flashback Friday where I will once in awhile on a Friday repost a blog from the past. You know, the oldies but goodies. So this blog below was one I wrote back in March of 2013: I have been walking for…well let’s see…yeah, about 40 years now.  And […]

Common Traits of Highly Intelligent People

The other day I attended a meeting where I was able to able to meet with several companies that had all been started under one umbrella where they began in think tank full of really intelligent people who all worked on different ideas until their best ideas rose to the top to become actual companies. […]

What one successful entrepreneur said was the most important advice he could give me as I began my entrepreneurial journey

Yesterday afternoon someone I love dearly passed away.  He was Marion D. Woods to others, but he was Uncle Buzz to me and Buzz Woods to his good friends. He had been fighting cancer but unfortunately his body wasn’t able to fight it any longer and he passed away surrounded by his wife and children. […]

Simplicity. Because Less Equals More

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex…it takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” – Albert Einstein Can I just say that the word “simplicity” just sounds so amazing! Just the very idea of simplicity is something you can’t help but love. […]

We Need To Remember That We Are The “We” In “We The People”

Politics. It’s like the dirty word that everyone is sick of hearing, but there is no getting around the fact that politics are essential. Going through the political process is the only way to achieve the objective of promoting good government. We can’t throw our hands up in disgust and turn away from it, instead […]

“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.”

“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.” – Max DePree Change is hard because it stretches us. It pulls us out of our comfort zone. It forces us to come out of the known and head into the unknown, and that is always a little unnerving. But the fact […]


What if we were to all wake up each morning with an: I CAN, I WILL, I DO attitude? Can you even begin to imagine the incredible things we could accomplish if we really embraced that “can, will, do” mentality going into each new day? I CAN is us keeping a positive attitude and a […]

There is Something Inside You that is Greater than Any Obstacle

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”  – Christian Larson I cannot tell you how much I love that quote. It is especially helpful at times when you are facing a current obstacle in your life because those are the times […]

The Magical Cure for a Case of Brain Fry

You’ve all heard of Brain Freeze I’m sure, when you drink something really cold too fast and you literally feel like your front section of your brain and the bridge of nose is instantly freezing and you are absolutely certain you about to face death at any moment….Well today I want to talk about a […]

Keeping It Simple Doesn’t Mean You’re Stupid (Forbes Article)

“Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple.” C. W. Ceran I consider myself to be a somewhat intelligent person, but when someone explains a new concept to me in terms that are overly complex and unfamiliar, I struggle to easily grasp it. To learn a new concept, I need things described […]

Here’s To Strong Women

“Here’s to strong women.  May we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.” Tonight the University of Utah held a Women Alumni event at our REES Capital offices and they asked me to hold a Q&A forum with the women where they could ask me questions about my past experiences and life […]

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking…

If it is possible to fry your brain by processing too much data, on too many items, in too short a time frame, well let`s just say that I think my brain has hit its “turning to mush” point already this week. The amount of data flowing through my mind as I am trying to multi-task […]

Stop Yourself From Making Bad Decisions – Wear the Comfortable Shoes!

I have been walking for…well let’s see…yeah, about 40 years now.  And you would think that after 40 years of walking that I would have learned by now that that when one intends to go to the mall shopping, one should wear their comfortable shoes!   Just like you’d think I would have learned that when […]