Tag Archives: bully

Sharing a little about one of my Heroes

21 years ago today I gave birth to the most amazing little girl in the world. Ashley made her entrance in the world in the same epic fashion as she has done everything else since she was born – she came out bottom first! That made for an amazingly difficult labor and delivery for me, […]

Don’t ever let a person acting horribly get you down

There are a lot of really good people in this world, and there also some people who choose to be really horrible. To all you good people out there I want to say, “NEVER LET ANY PERSON WHO IS CHOOSING TO BE HORRIBLE GET YOU DOWN!” Sorry to yell with my all caps there, but […]

True Wealth Lies In The Good You Do – Meet The Wealthiest Man In The World

As an Angel Investor and a Mentor I spend much of my day helping entrepreneurs in their pursuit of wealth by helping them to grow their companies. But today I was reminded of exactly what true wealth looks like. For more than 25 years he has been buying Christmas presents for children he may never […]

A Little Stink Spreads A Long Way

Late last night I was sitting on the couch trying to finish up some work when my little dog Roxy came running into the house and jumped right up on my beautiful couch in my great room. Suddenly the room began to fill with the most pungent, disgusting, putrid smell I have ever smelled – it was […]

The Value of YOU!

“Your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” –unknown I LOVE LOVE LOVE that quote and I think everyone in the world needs to hear that quote and know that it is true. Far too often we allow other people’s opinions to impact our own feelings of self-worth. I especially […]

Haters Don’t Really Hate You

“Haters don’t really hate you. In fact, they hate themselves because you’re a reflection of what they wish to be.” – unknown How much do you love that quote?! Right!! Love it! It’s awesome. I would guess everyone has had to deal with haters at one point or another in their life, whether it’s a […]

Set Boundaries: You can’t respect yourself if you don’t know or stand for what is good for you

Setting boundaries is an important skill to learn in life. Boundaries are all about respect. The best way to think about boundaries is to use the example of having a fence that goes around your yard. There is a gate to the fence and you decide who gets to enter your gate to come into […]

Someday We’ll All Have Perfect Wings

I would guess most of us have either heard of or seen the bumper stickers which read, “Mean People Suck”. I happen to agree with that sentiment. When someone treats another person mean I really struggle with it. When I hear stories of bullying in our young people, or see people taking pot shots, or […]

Don’t Be Ashamed of Your Story, It Will Inspire Others

Everyone has a story…a history…a series of failures and mistakes that have shaped them into the person they are today.  I, for one, believe we shouldn’t be ashamed of our story. Our story is what helped us become the person we are. That story is what taught us great life lessons that we might not […]

We are All Equal and We All Deserve Respect

As a young man, Dr. Seuss was bullied over race and religion.  As an adult Dr. Seuss wanted to write a book that would send a message to children (and anyone else who read it) that all of us are equal.  The book he wrote is called The Sneetches. The book Sneetches is about the […]

Two Words: “Stop It”

A few days ago I posted a blog about a young girl who was being bullied.  Then today my son sent me the link to a video and he asked me to watch it – he said it is a video that would change people’s lives because it hits the viewer in such a powerful […]

“If People Are Trying to Bring You Down…”

“If people are trying to bring you down it only means that you are above them.”  I spent time tonight talking to a close friend who has a teenager daughter who is being horribly bullied in school.  Her daughter, like many teenage girls, suffers from low self-esteem.  She thinks her body isn’t thin enough, she […]

The Power of Words

Words are a powerful thing. Words can build and lift, comfort and calm, teach and inspire.  To the opposite, words can destroy and demolish, incite and enrage, berate and criticize, embarrass and demean.  It has been said that in an average day a person will speak somewhere between 10 and 20,000 words. Which means we […]