Tag Archives: tornado

2020 Needs To Be Sent To Its Room To Take A Timeout

They say when it rains it pours and they aren’t kidding. I woke up this morning to my husband yelling for me to come quick to look outside our back windows.  As I made my way to the sunroom it sounded like the roof was getting pummeled.  When I got to the back windows I […]

Some Good News

We’ve all spent the last few months hearing pretty much nothing but bad news…from the coronavirus pandemic, to earthquakes, tornadoes, wildfires, severe storms, stock market crashes, cancelled graduations, and on and on and on…with every news station full of stories of gloom and doom is it really that surprising that people are struggling with feelings […]

When We Are Prepared We Need Not Fear

Once a month my extended family that live in this area all comes together and we do a family night where we do a quick lesson on a relevant topic, then we play a game, and we then we have dessert together. Each month we rotate from one of our houses to the next. Today […]

Does Your Family Have A Zombie Plan?

Does Your Family Have A Zombie Plan?  (The following blog is from my son Dalton who wanted to share this important message with all of you since he felt I had not adequately been addressing this subject in prior blog posts…): News just broke out that the zombie apocalypse has started. What are you going […]

Set Boundaries: You can’t respect yourself if you don’t know or stand for what is good for you

Setting boundaries is an important skill to learn in life. Boundaries are all about respect. The best way to think about boundaries is to use the example of having a fence that goes around your yard. There is a gate to the fence and you decide who gets to enter your gate to come into […]