Tag Archives: insurance

When We Are Prepared We Need Not Fear

Once a month my extended family that live in this area all comes together and we do a family night where we do a quick lesson on a relevant topic, then we play a game, and we then we have dessert together. Each month we rotate from one of our houses to the next. Today […]

Witnessing A Tender Mercy

Tonight something amazing happened but I have to back up so it will all make sense. Yesterday a dear friend of mine came to me crying because she had found out that her Mother, who has a tumor growing on the side of her head, had taken a turn for the worse and the tumor […]

Getting Your Life Affairs in Order

So often in life we get incredibly busy to the point that we are literally only able to handle the new things coming at us each day, with time sensitive items getting first priority, rarely even getting to the list of items in second priority, and just forget about anything down in the third priority […]