Tag Archives: gangster’s paradise

“You’re allowed five emotional minutes in the day, then you gotta be a Gangsta.”

“You’re allowed five emotional minutes in the day, then you gotta be a Gangsta.” I love it when I come across the absolutely perfect quote at just the perfect moment when you need it the most. This quote seriously made my day today so I had to share it in case any of you needed […]

Sharing a little about one of my Heroes

21 years ago today I gave birth to the most amazing little girl in the world. Ashley made her entrance in the world in the same epic fashion as she has done everything else since she was born – she came out bottom first! That made for an amazingly difficult labor and delivery for me, […]

Time is Precious. Waste it Wisely.

“The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Because when you give your time you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back.” Reading that quote made me feel a little better today because I have been racking my brain all day to try and figure out the […]