Tag Archives: meditation

Have Faith To Act On The “Whats” And Eventually You’ll Learn The “Whys”

Stay out of debt; live within your means; work to be self-reliant; save for a rainy day; have a supply of food storage; have a 72-our emergency kit – those are all things all the Prophets leading my church have been counseling the members for as long as I can remember, and I literally mean […]

To Fathers, Grandfathers, And All Those Men Who’ve Influenced Our Lives For The Better

This Sunday is Father’s Day and the subject of fathers is one that is incredibly near and dear to my heart today for several reasons.  One of those reasons is that my father-in-law is struggling still. He had his surgery last week but the nerve and muscle pain down his leg still hasn’t let up […]

If It Feels Like Work You Are Doing It Wrong

“If it feels like work you are doing it wrong.” – unknown Today I must be doing it wrong because it has definitely felt like work. Those feelings reminded me of an article I once read that was written by Jenna Goudreau for Forbes called Seven Steps To Happiness At Work, she shares seven tips from a […]

We Could All Use A Splash Of Color

Life is like a big blank canvas and we are the ones holding our own paint brush. We get to choose what picture we will paint on the canvas. We get to decide whether to make it bright and colorful or dark and dreary. We can use colors that stand out or we can use […]

Overcome Gratitude Deficit Disorder

Gratitude Deficit Disorder is an ailment that far too many people suffer from. I don’t personally think that people intentionally catch this ailment…I think people catch it as a result of getting too busy and letting life drive them instead of them driving their life. It’s an easy trap to fall into, but the good […]

The Importance Of Having Balance In Our Lives (Forbes Article)

I have always had an incredible drive to work hard.   When I am at work I genuinely work my tail off.  I am motivated and driven and focused on getting a tremendous amount done, and all of that is positive, but my problem lies in that I often don’t know how to put things down […]

If you believe in the magic of serendipity, you will have serendipitous experiences!

Serendipity. I definitely believe in it’s magic and I look for it every day of my life…maybe that’s why so many cool serendipitous things have happened in my life! This next excerpt explains serendipity perfectly: “Serendipity is the process of making happy discoveries along the road of life. Whenever you have a clear goal that […]

“If we aren´t laughing and having fun everyday…we´re doing it wrong!”

As those of you who follow my blog know, once a week I get an email from my daughter who is serving her mission.  This week she shared that her group set a goal this week to see if they could follow all the mission rules with “exact obedience”.   Now I don’t know about all […]

Value Yourself and Others Will Follow Suit

Imagine you are at a car lot looking at a car for sale. You ask the salesperson to tell you about the car.  They respond, “Its okay I guess. It could be shinier, and it could go faster, and the color isn’t great, and it doesn’t have the best radio, and it’s not the cleanest, […]