Tag Archives: george washington

A Day Best Described With Actual Pictures And Videos

Today was an absolutely amazing Fourth of July! From having my entire family with me all day, to having our friends John Wayne Walding (a true American Hero you can read about at www.johnwaynewalding.com) and his wife Amy Walding and their four kids with us, to meeting George Washington, to going to Stadium of Fire […]

History Has It’s Eyes On You…Don’t Throw Away Your Shot

A few weeks ago I had lunch with Lin-Manuel Miranda, the writer of the Broadway play Hamilton.  You can imagine his surprise when I admitted to him I had not yet heard the Soundtrack from his play Hamilton but I shared how big a fan of it my husband is and how excited I was […]

Go Back In Time And Be There For One Of The Greatest Moments In History

Can you imagine what it would be like to go back in time and be there when the Founding Fathers were developing the U.S. Constitution?  How amazing would that be!  Unfortunately, Elon Musk hasn’t yet tackled time travel (although if anyone had the brain power to figure that out it would probably be him!).  But […]

One Nation Formed Under God. That is what makes America great

The Declaration of Independence was approved by our Founding Fathers on July 4, 1776.  Today I was contemplating this amazing occurrence and I decided to read from some history books to gain a greater appreciation of the events that took place and the people involved.  Reading of the tremendous faith that these Founding Fathers had […]

The Character of an Honest Man

As President’s Day comes to an end I wanted to take a minute to pay tribute to George Washington, the man President’s Day holiday was originally setup to honor. His story is an amazing one and the things he accomplished with his life are truly incredible. He was a man of integrity who didn’t seek […]