Tag Archives: independence

Go Back In Time And Be There For One Of The Greatest Moments In History

Can you imagine what it would be like to go back in time and be there when the Founding Fathers were developing the U.S. Constitution?  How amazing would that be!  Unfortunately, Elon Musk hasn’t yet tackled time travel (although if anyone had the brain power to figure that out it would probably be him!).  But […]

An Entrepreneurs Perspective On Advice From Iconic Filmmakers Robert Redford And George Lucas (Forbes Article)

Last Thursday iconic independent filmmakers Robert Redford and George Lucas sat down to be interviewed by renowned film critic Leonard Martin at the Sundance Film Festival Power of Stories panel. I was fortunate enough to be present for this discussion which was titled, “The Visions of Independence.” It was clear from the conversation that these […]

Advice to Pass On To Every Young Woman You Know

I came across an article written by a woman named Patricia Davis in which she had put together a list of advice of all the things she wanted to pass on to younger women.  I think her advice is amazing and we should share her advice with every young woman we know, whether its a daughter, a sister, […]