Tag Archives: prejudice

Build Bridges of Understanding Rather Than Creating Walls of Segregation

Yesterday Russell M. Nelson, prophet of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints released the following statement: “We join with many throughout this nation and around the world who are deeply saddened at recent evidences of racism and a blatant disregard for human life. We abhor the reality that some would deny others respect […]

Indispensable Virtues

It’s been unbelievably heartbreaking to watch all the events that have occurred over the last week throughout the country. Tonight the feelings in my heart are too tender to try and write about them so instead I decided to share an excerpt from a talk by Jeffrey R. Holland titled “A Perfect Brightness of Hope”: […]

A Week I Will Never Forget: Attending the Inauguration of the 45th President

I experienced so many incredible things over the last week that when I sit down to try and share them in this blog it is a little overwhelming to figure out how to fit it all in, but I will do my best to share the highlights and include a few fun photos for you…. […]