Tag Archives: senator hatch

A Week I Will Never Forget: Attending the Inauguration of the 45th President

I experienced so many incredible things over the last week that when I sit down to try and share them in this blog it is a little overwhelming to figure out how to fit it all in, but I will do my best to share the highlights and include a few fun photos for you…. […]

What an Incredible Day!

What a day today was!  I started my day at 5:00am this morning so I could get downtown for an early morning meeting with President Wheelwright, the President of BYU Hawaii.  He and I had a wonderful talk about the Entrepreneurship activities going on at his University in Hawaii.  They are doing some really incredible […]

Robert Redford and Respect for Nature

Saturday night my husband and I were invited to an event honoring Robert Redford.  The event was called:   “The Governor’s Salute to Robert Redford: A Utah Tribute to an American Icon.” The event kicked off with a group of Native American Indians performing a ceremonial dance in their full attire.  It was incredible!  It was […]

My Solution to the Government Shutdown – Send In The Mothers!

“Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world”. -Marilyn Monroe Before I explain the title of today’s blog, let me give you a quick recap of last Friday.  Last Friday I was asked to be a speaker for Senator Hatch’s Women’s Conference.  Senator Hatch has been a long-time friend that I […]