Tag Archives: grandchild

It’s A Mental Game – Win It!

Remember when we were kids and how excited we would be to wake up to see snow on the ground and get news that school was cancelled?!  Maybe we should all try waking up tomorrow and pretending we are little kids that just found out it was a snow day!  ….and isn’t it interesting how […]

Question Your Way Of Thinking To Broaden Your Perspective

I was reading unopened emails in my inbox when I came across one from my daughter-in-law Alexis where she had written a guest blog post for me to be able to use on a day I was busy and needed help. Given that she’d sent the unopened email to me clear back on June 6th […]

I Never Knew

When I became a parent I never knew I could love another human being so much. I still remember the way I felt when I became pregnant with my second child – I remember wondering how I could ever love another person as much as I loved my first child. But then 23 years ago […]

Favorite Moments and Greatest Achievements of 2017

I can hardly believe that 2017 is almost over.  This past year has held some of the happiest moments of life, and truth be told, it has also held many of the saddest moments of my life.  Without a doubt it is a year I will be happy to have come to a close as […]

Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart

“Sometimes,’ said Pooh, ‘the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” ― A.A. Milne Such true words spoken in that quote said by Winnie the Pooh. When I think of the things that have really touched my heart the most I think of the smallest things others have done that meant the […]

I am a Glam-ma! Some things are so perfect they are impossible to put into words.

Early last Friday morning my cell phone rang. It was my son Dalton letting me know that his wife Alexis was in labor and they were heading to the hospital. I jumped out of bed feeling a mixture of joy, excitement, disbelief, and wondering if this was really going to be day we welcomed our […]

The Importance of Dads

“A daughter needs a Dad to be the standard against she will judge all men.” I was blessed with a Dad who set the bar unbelievably high as to what to expect from the men in my life. And it was his example that led me to choose an amazing man for my husband and […]

They may be myths but they are still a lot of fun

Myths, old wives tales, superstitions, legends…they are all kinds of fun to read about even if they turn out not to be true. We are 20 weeks in to the 40 weeks it will take to have our very first grandchild come into this world. Since the moment we found out our daughter-in-law was pregnant […]

Everything Can Change In A Single Second

Saturday morning I awoke to a phone call alerting me that my son Dalton and his pregnant wife Alexis had been in a car accident on the freeway. Getting that phone call was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I rushed to the Hospital Emergency Room where I spent the rest of […]

The Biggest Secret I’ve Ever Had To Keep

Keeping exciting news a secret is not something I enjoy. When I buy someone a gift it’s all I can do not to tell them the moment I buy it. It makes keeping Christmas presents a surprise incredibly difficult. But today I am proud of myself because for the last two months I have been […]

Getting Over The Fear Of Exercise – #TheStruggleIsReal

Anyone that knows me is aware that I do NOT like to exercise. In fact I often jokingly tell people that sweating is against my religion in attempt to avoid it.  You see, I am that girl that would rather diet than exercise any day of the week, which I fully admit is a terrible […]

What You Forget You Can Never Retell

“Preserve your memories, keep them well, what you forget you can never retell.” – Louisa May Alcot Tonight my sweet Mother came over to my home and we sat and scanned in several stacks of her Father’s (my Grandfather’s) papers he had written back while he was alive. As I sat scanning the different documents […]

Successful Mothers (and Happy Mother’s Day!)

“Successful Mothers are not the ones that have never struggled, they are the ones that never give up, despite the struggles.” This weekend we will be celebrating Mother’s Day. It’s a time we all take a moment to think about all the things our Mothers do for us in life. It’s also a time when […]