Tag Archives: get in shape

And To All A Good Diet

“When what to my wondering eyes should appear but 10 extra pounds onHips, Thighs, and Rear!” I don’t know about you, but when the reality of every piece of chocolate, toffee, cookie, and pie I consumed over the holidays caught up with me in the form of standing on my scale….well, let’s just say it […]

Don’t Stop Until You’re Proud

“Don’t stop until you’re proud.” -unknown This past week I rode a bicycle from Vermont up to Montreal Canada. Now I know that might sound like no big deal to many of you, but for me it was a HUGE deal! For starters I hadn’t ridden a bicycle since I was twelve years old. In […]

Getting Over The Fear Of Exercise – #TheStruggleIsReal

Anyone that knows me is aware that I do NOT like to exercise. In fact I often jokingly tell people that sweating is against my religion in attempt to avoid it.  You see, I am that girl that would rather diet than exercise any day of the week, which I fully admit is a terrible […]