I love people who are willing to be uncool –people who get out on the dance floor even when they know they are terrible dancers, people who rock the karaoke mic even when they can’t sing a lick, people who don’t just put on costume but who go all out when they do…I love people […]
From the time I was young I have had an inability to think small. I don’t really know why I am like that, I just always have been. In college when friends wanted me to sell $10.00 lipsticks I immediately thought, “Why sell just $10 of something when for the same effort I could sell […]
I was talking with someone the other day who was sharing how much fun they had at a Halloween party our family threw in our driveway. I was thanking them for coming to the party and I agreed with them that it was a really fun time. They then made a comment that really stuck with me […]