Tag Archives: suggestion

“I Like Myself…I Like Myself…”

We all tend to be our own worst critics in life. And for those of us who are women, we are our own worst critic times ten! I have always been a fan of motivation speaker Brian Tracy. In one of his talk series that is a personal favorite of mine called The Psychology of […]

Think BIG!

From the time I was young I have had an inability to think small. I don’t really know why I am like that, I just always have been. In college when friends wanted me to sell $10.00 lipsticks I immediately thought, “Why sell just $10 of something when for the same effort I could sell […]


STOP BEING SO HARD ON YOURSELF! Yes I’m yelling with the all caps because we all need to have someone yell that at us once in a while. We all tend to be our own worst critics in life. And for those of us who are women, we are our own worst critic times ten! […]