Tag Archives: core qualitees

No Problem Too Big Or Small To Matter

Over the weekend I saw a post my daughter had written on social media about an experience our family had over the Thanksgiving holiday. It was a little thing that happened, but as I read her post I realized that the impact of that little thing is so much larger and ought to get shared, […]

Happy Feel Good Playlist

I love love love music…the power and influence of good music can be life changing. My family also loves music and anytime we come together you can pretty much guarantee there will be at least one impromptu dance party in our kitchen. A few days ago my daughter Ashley Hill posted a list of songs […]

Never, Ever, Stop Dreaming

Last Friday we held a College Graduation Commencement Ceremony in our home for my daughter Ashley Anderson Hill to present her with her Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurial Management from Brigham Young University. Being that she was the only student graduating she gave the valedictorian speech. Her speech was so inspiring I asked her if I […]