Tag Archives: spin

April Fool’s Day Funny Advertising Pranks Today

Today was April Fools and as always, pranksters were out in full force.  Some of the funnier pranks I saw today that at least gave me a good laugh were in the form of funny advertisements that were put out today.  Here are a few of the ones that gave me a good laugh: Pizza […]

Choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong

Mistakes are going to happen in every organization because people aren’t perfect and making mistakes is often how people learn and grow. Some mistakes are small and insignificant, and others turn out to be far more serious, even bringing unpleasant consequences. What matters most when a mistake occurs is to own the fact that it […]

Don’t Be So Focused On The Steps That You Forget To Dance!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to dance. Anyone who spends five minutes with my family pretty much knows that my husband and I and our two kids are constantly dancing around to music as we drive, as we clean the house, as we throw impromptu dance parties pretty much any place, anytime. I still remember coming […]

“When something goes wrong in your life, just yell “Plot Twist” and move on.”

“When something goes wrong in your life, just yell “Plot Twist” and move on.” We’ve all experienced times when our best laid plans are interrupted with some unexpected twist that completely changes everything. It can happen with major life situations like losing a job or having a relationship unexpectedly end, or it can happen with […]