Tag Archives: push yourself

Get Up And Win The Race

One of my very favorite poems, that has helped me through several difficult times in my life, was written by Dee Groberg and is titled “The Race” (I am posting it below…it will inspire you to never give up…): “Quit! Give up! You’re beaten!” they shout at me, and plead.  “There’s just too much against […]

Wives- he can’t read your mind! Husbands-don’t assume that you can! TALK TO EACH OTHER!

My husband and I have had several experiences this last year that have taught us both an invaluable lesson – it is critical that spouses talk to each other…openly and honestly…about everything…all the time. We decided to share one of the experiences that helped us learn that in the hopes that if other couples are […]

Get An Accountability Buddy

I don’t know about you, but I do WAY better in life when I know I have someone to account to.  Someone who I have to disclose my goals to, someone who I know will be checking in on my progress, and someone who I want to make proud by accomplishing the thing I set […]

How Far You’ll Go

Just how much are we capable of doing in our life? Just how far in life are we able to go?  The answer to those questions will depend on what we ourselves determine we are willing to do. How big are we willing to make our dreams? How hard are we willing to work? How […]