Creating A Day Worth Living

Life can sometimes seem ridiculously complicated. And trying to find peace amidst the chaos day to day often feels a bit impossible. So what makes for a peaceful day? If the only way to have a peaceful day is to have a day where everything goes perfectly then the chance of us ever having a peaceful day is like zero percent. I can’t actually think of a single day where at least something doesn’t go wrong…whether it’s sleeping past your alarm, or heavy traffic when you are already late, or forgetting to do that one thing you weren’t supposed to forget, or having too much on your plate to get done, or coming down with a sickness, or getting injured, or being hurt by something, or losing someone, or having it rain when you wanted sunshine, or a million other things that range from small and silly to large and devastating…every day is going to have some ups and some downs because that is just life.

Perhaps the key to feeling more stability during life’s ups and downs each day is to have some key things that we can do each day to keep us grounded and keep things in perspective, like the things on this sign I came across:

Creating a day worth living:

1. Get up early
2. Express gratitude for what you have
3. Do something productive
4. Do something fun
5. Do something for someone else
6. Get some sunlight
7. Exercise – it doesn’t matter what – just do some exercise
8. Put a smile on someone’s face
9. Express gratitude or compliment someone
10. Learn or do something new

I love that! Because while we may not be able to control the chaos and the trials coming at us, we can control making sure we control making sure we do some things that will help us to always feel it was a day worth living.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

~Amy Rees Anderson


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