Having a Vision

One of my favorite quotes is the quote from the book Alice in Wonderland where Alice has come to a fork in the road and she asks the Cheshire Cat which way she should go.

Says Alice: “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.

“I don’t much care where” said Alice.

“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.

I received a letter today from my daughter Ashley who is currently serving a mission and it totally made me think about that quote. Ashley shared in her letter how she attended a leadership training this past week and she shared some of the things she learned (below is an excerpt from her letter):

Having a vision:

– I learned how important it is to set specific goals in order to actually reach “the vision” or what we want for ourselves some day! If we only know the ‘what’ and not the ‘how’… Then nothing will happen! We need to say exactly WHAT it is that we are going to change and DO differently! List it out even. Make someone hold us accountable for doing those things (so we will be more likely to do them) and then actually plan out exactly HOW and WHEN we are going to do it!! Goals are so important! They really do determine our future. If we set low expectations for ourselves.. Then we should expect low results, right? The same applies for high goals. When we have big ambitions and energy then we will be so much more successful! And who doesn’t want that!? So this week I challenge everyone to get a paper and write down some things that you want to change. Then make a list of HOW you are going to change them! What daily activities are you going to do differently to be able to become the person you have in mind for yourself? Think about it… Pray about it.. Fast about it even! Christ preformed the Atonement for this exact purpose… To help us improve, be better, and CHANGE! 

Be happy wherever we are, whatever the circumstance, whatever we are doing! BE HAPPY! It’s our outlook and attitude that determines our level of happiness! So CHOOSE to love every moment for what it is! 


Perfectly said! We have to have the vision of where we hope to end up in order to figure out how to get there.  Picture what you want for your life – and set your expectations HIGH! After all, you are your own best fortune teller!

Have a great day!

~Amy (and excerpt from Ashley 🙂  )



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