Smile, Happy Looks Good on You



What a great idea!  I think I am going to write on my mirror “something wonderful is about to happen” so when I wake up to get ready it’s the first thought I see.  What a great way to get your outlook set to having positive expectations for your life and for your day.  So today, I am starting with the belief that indeed something wonderful is about to happen for each one of us.  So when, not if, something wonderful happens make sure to share it and smile and spread joy.  Imagine if we all focus on spreading happiness to each other and to the people we come in contact with today.  Imagine if we all truly go the extra mile today to find ways to contribute to making wonderful things happen for everyone around us.

A few years ago someone shared a cool article with me that gave 10 suggestions that are meant to inspire you into having an AMAZING DAY!

Some “Amazing Day” suggestions (by C. Harper):

1. Every morning make the decision to have an amazing day.
An amazing attitude will produce amazing behaviors, amazing conversations, amazing experiences and lessons and in turn, amazing days.  It just does.  Decide to be that person. No matter what happens, have an amazing attitude, do amazing things and create amazing results, by choice.

2. Do what most people won’t.

The tough things.  The uncomfortable things.  The thing which produces results.  Create different standards for yourself.  Expect more of yourself.  If you want to be exceptional (different to most), then you need to do exceptional things.  Every day.  If you do what “they do” you’ll get what they get.  If you want “average” then do average.

3. Ask the right questions every day.

The ones which produce better outcomes.  The ones which put you in a productive, empowered emotional state.  Not the “why did this happen” but rather the “what can I learn from this” questions.

4. Do something out of character.

Break a pattern.  Confront a fear.  Get uncomfortable.  Apologize to someone.  Laugh at yourself.  Choose not to get offended.  Choose not to be precious.  Connect with someone (who needs it).  Swallow your pride.  Surprise your friends, family, colleagues and yourself.  Stop rationalizing and procrastinating and start doing.

5. Exercise.

At the very least, be active.  Move your body; it needs love too.  I can hear your heart, lungs and muscles applauding already.  And when your body is happy, your mind will follow.  If you already exercise, do something different.  If you haven’t stretched since 1993, limber up.  If you haven’t done a push up since high school, gimme ten.  If you haven’t had your heart rate  up since ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ then move your limbs and raise a sweat.

6. Meditate.

Be still.  Even for ten minutes.  Every day.  Clear your mind of the clutter.  No phone, computer, people, noise, music, complete silence.  Stop hurrying and worrying for a moment.  Step away from the busy-ness of your reality and listen to that still small voice; the one you ignore too much.

7. Listen more, talk less and do more.

Really listen.  You talk too much and do too little.  You’ve thought about it for long enough, do it.  Wanna connect with people?  Talk about yourself less.

8. Commit a random act of kindness.

Give (time, energy, money, love) unconditionally.  Low-key, no fanfare, no accolades.  When possible, do it anonymously.

9. React differently.

Find the good.  Find the lesson.  Shock yourself again.  Do what most people won’t.  When you have a reason to complain, don’t. When you have a reason to be sad, choose happy; it’s more enjoyable.  Be the change, if not the catalyst for it.  Smile when there’s no need.

10. Address that thing you’ve been putting off.

Procrastinate no more.  Lose the excuse.  Find a reason to do.



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