As we head into this week of Thanksgiving I felt it might be an appropriate time for me to share what I’m most thankful for:
My Faith. I am thankful for my faith in God. My faith and love for my Heavenly Father is at the very core of who I am and it helps me know that I am the daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me and who believes in the very best of what I can become. I’m grateful for my faith because it guides me in all of my values and it gives me a solid foundation in my life and it has been the biggest contributing factor in all the successes I’ve had. It’s also given me the ability to believe in God enough to trust Him to take my life where He needs it to go if I just put forth my very best effort to do the right things each day and that helps me push forward even when I’m not sure He’s taking me. Most of all I am grateful that God always sees the masterpiece that I can become in my life, even when I can’t always see it myself.
My Family. My family is truly everything to me – they are my best friends, my support system, my examples, and my joy. From my grandparents who are no longer living, to my parents, my siblings, my husband, my children, and my grandchild (who will be the first of many I hope!), and all of my extended family…I recognize how incredibly blessed I am to belong to such an amazing family…they truly are my heart.
My Friends. I have the most kind, loyal, true friends a person could hope for. They have stood by me through thick and thin, have picked me up when I’m down, have encouraged me, sacrificed for me, and mentored me. They set me straight when I get off track and they love me through my weaknesses, my failures, and my success. I wouldn’t be who I am without them and I am forever grateful to have them in my life.
My Work. After spending 25 years of my life working crazy hours and worrying about keeping bread on our table, 6 years ago I was able to sell my company and that has afforded me the great privilege of now spending my days giving back by public speaking, mentoring, writing, serving on boards, and doing what I can to try and help others to excel. I cannot put into words how blessed I feel to be able to have this be my life’s work now.
My journey. My life has been filled with more challenges then I could’ve ever imagined facing, but its also been more rewarding than I could’ve ever dreamed. I’m thankful for every single minute of that journey because it’s helping me to become everything God knows I am capable of becoming.
All of you. I’m thankful to all of you who read my blog for allowing me to share my journey and the lessons I’m learning along the way. Knowing that I have to account to all of you each day has helped me keep so many things in proper perspective. You’ll never know the impact for good you’ve had on my life. Thank you!
You want to know how we can all know it’s going to be a great week?? Because it’s a week that will end with PIE!!! YAY for pies! And turkey…and stuffing…and mashed potatoes and gravy…mmmm…gravy…. Yeah, it’s gonna be an awesome week!
~Amy Rees Anderson