See How Far You’ve Come

It was exactly three years ago today that I signed the final papers to sell my company. As I look back over the last three years I am blown away at how much has happened since then. I transitioned out of my old company, I launched REES Capital (my angel investment firm), got our charity the IPOP Foundation established and growing nicely, I began writing for Forbes and the Huffington Post, I expanded the number of boards I serve on and I am lecturing at multiple universities and conferences, and the three year non-compete term after selling my company is finally coming to its end. In addition to the business things on a personal front we designed and built a brand new home and got all moved in and settled, we built a houseboat to enjoy with family and friends, our son left on a two year mission for our church and returned back home to get back in college at BYU, our daughter started college at BYU and then left on an 18th month mission where she is out serving now, I celebrated my 7 year anniversary with my sexy husband and we are now living our life as empty-nesters and starting to enjoy all the exciting things that can come with that …I would say it has been an amazingly productive three years…

“The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come.”

I think it is good to take a moment every so often to look back at all that we have accomplished and how far we have come in our lives. Often we get so busy doing that we forget to stop and look back to appreciate just far we have truly come in our lives. By stopping and taking a moment to write down the things we have gotten done it can help us to recognize exactly how much we have been capable of and it helps us recognize that there is still so much more that we can go on to do.

“Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go.”

I think most of us will be surprised to find out just how far we can go in our lives. Often we think we have come to a place that appears to be the end only to find out that it is just the start of something bigger and better.  Think about it, if you were to walk to a point that was as far as you can see what would happen next?  You would see a whole new place that is the new farthest point you can see in front of you…

Have a great day everyone and remember to look back and appreciate how far you have come and then start looking for that point in the future that is as far away as you can see and start walking 🙂


1 Comment

  • Ken leister says:

    Very well said Amy. Please remember the others that you have blessed, including the Leisters. Thank you!

    Hope you’ll come see us at Silverado soon.

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