Opportunities come when we actively seek to do good

First, I want to take the quick opportunity to say “Thank You!” to all those who sent birthday wishes my way. I can’t think of a better birthday gift then words of kindness from others and I received that today in spades 🙂

I also want to share with you an amazing birthday gift I received today was from my 20 year old daughter Ashley. Ashley is an amazing writer, as any of you who follow my blog would know because I shared a few of the letters she wrote while she was away doing missionary service. For my birthday Ashley surprised me with a few blog posts she wrote about life lessons she learned in the last few weeks that I could post for all of you to give me a few nights off from writing so I could relax on my birthday week.  What a thoughtful gift – both for me and for you since her posts are always loved by all!!

~Amy Rees Anderson (Enjoy her post below and have an amazing day!):

The following post is written by Ashley regarding what she learned during her day on August 30th, 2016

After recently returning home from an LDS mission, I have found that the overbearing feeling of fulfillment that I would have at the end of every day had slightly dimmed. It is something that I struggled with for a few weeks before it really started to take a large toll on me. I quickly began to lose sleep and found that it was a topic on my mind more than I would have liked. I pondered on why this might be the case and what I could do to get that special feeling back. If there was anything that I could do to return to who I personified on my mission.

After much thought, study, and prayer, I came to the realization that I was focusing too much on myself. Along my mission when I turned outwards and focused on helping others I was so much more full of a pure Christlike joy. That simple mind change is what I was lacking. “It’s not about me.”

Today after remembering this concept I was more aware of opportunities to serve my fellowmen. I went to the grocery store to buy one week’s worth of food. While there I kept my head up and searched for someone who stood in need of help. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a woman arguing with her small children in a minivan, disputing over what looked like trouble. I walked over after quickly unloading all of the groceries into my car and asked if there was something that I could do to help. After listening to what sounded frantic, I soon came to understand that three of her young children were still in the store wandering around not knowing where she went. Because I was looking to serve, God allowed me to be a tool to help this scared mother quickly be reunited with her children.

What I learned is simple. We are given more opportunities in our path when we are actively seeking to do good.

~Ashley (Amy Rees Anderson’s daughter)


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