Tonight I was a judge for the Young Entrepreneurs Academy Shark Tank where students from the age of 8 – 18 pitched their business plans in front of a panel of four judges and a room full of their parents and several of their peers. As these young people walked us through their business idea, the problem their idea would solve, their go to market strategy, and their financial models, the thought that kept going through my mind was “What was I doing at their age??!!” I’m fairly sure I was outside digging a swimming pool for my Barbie dolls to go swimming in and wondering why every time I filled the hole up with water with our hose the water would sink down into the hole??? (#truth)
But seriously, for everyone out there who is holding themselves back from stepping out of their comfort zone and going for the things they really want in life, I wish you could have all watched these young people tonight because you would have looked yourself in the mirror and said, “But seriously though, what’s your excuse?” These kids not only put the hard work into attending the after school program where they learned to form their own companies, they actually got out there and hustled to launch their businesses, and then they pushed past their fears and stood in front of a room full of adults and four judges and they pitched their businesses with so much confidence and so much class that you couldn’t have helped but recognize you really have no excuse!
Whatever excuses you have been telling yourself for why you aren’t putting yourself out there and trying to go for what you really want, get over them. Because if those kids could get past their fears and do what they did tonight, then all of us can go and do the same!
~Amy Rees Anderson
1 Comment
The first remarkable thing is that they even had the idea to begun with and then followed up with the steps they needed to make it happen. I’m 64 and have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life. Applause and recognition for you and all who benefit from your leadership.