Tag Archives: 2020

Cut Yourself A Little Slack, Will Ya?

Note to self:  December is NOT the month to have not felt well.  I knew when I was under the weather at the beginning of the month that I was falling way behind on my preparations for Christmas by staying in bed, but believing I am actually Wonder Woman I told myself not to worry […]

Color Me Surprised – 2020 Just Struck Again at 112 mph

We started off our 2020 year with my husband getting hospitalized for what we later discovered was COVID-19. The pandemic hit the U.S. in full force and everything went into lockdown, toilet paper ran out, grocery store shelves were empty, Utah got hit with one of its biggest earthquakes ever in March, hailstorms happened in […]


2020 will be as AWESOME as the goals you set for it! 2020 is about to begin and today is the PERFECT day to create your 2020 Goal Poster!!!   So grab a posterboard and some glue stick or open a Powerpoint presentation and grab some digital images and start creating a visual goal board with […]