“One of the greatest things about being an adult is the feeling of euphoria when you get to change into pajamas.”
SO TRUE!!!! Today was possibly one of the longest days I have had in a very, very long time. It actually started just after midnight last night when I found myself still awake, working to get a presentation prepared that I needed to give tonight to a youth group. When I looked at the clock and saw it was 3am I had a small panic attack when I realized I had to get up and be in the shower by 6am to get to an important meeting downtown. Three hours of sleep didn’t quite cut it for me, especially because I am still recovering from the jet lag of having just returned a few days ago from a trip out to BYU Hawaii in Honolulu with the BYU Founders Board where I spoke to their students in the entrepreneurship program (awesome experience that I will have to share more about another day). Half asleep I jumped in the shower and headed out to my meeting. I spent the next six hours in one of the most rigorous meetings ever…and I mean ever! This meeting would have been brutal even if I had gotten a full night of restful sleep first, but you can imagine how it was to do it on barely three hours of sleep. SO BRUTAL!
After that I rushed back to get my presentation setup for a youth group I was doing a speech for this evening. I was crashing hard and I was genuinely worried I wouldn’t have the stamina to get through it. I did the only thing I could do and said a little prayer asking for help to get through it -somehow it all came together and hopefully the group found it helpful. As I sit here at 10pm after saying goodbye to the last of the youth to leave, nothing sound more exciting than the thought of putting on my fuzzy pajamas with the little feeties in them. Don’t make fun – you seriously can’t knock my jumpin jammerz zipper blankie pajamas until you try them (http://www.jumpinjammerz.com )!! Putting them on is like getting a great big warm fuzzy hug that lasts all night! Which is good because my husband thinks they are like the least sexy pajamas in the universe so chances are I won’t be getting a hug from him with them on 😉 My pajamas are especially awesome because they have the Wonder Woman logo…holla! 🙂
So tonight I don’t have any amazing words of wisdom to share…the truth is my brain is fried and I have absolutely no intelligent thoughts whatsoever left in me today….and so I will just share how grateful I am to have made it through a long, hard day and to finally be able to go put on my jammies and climb into my amazing bed…just typing those words is bringing tears of joy to my eyes, no joke…thank heaven for comfy pajamas…
Have a great day everyone! And go get yourself some fuzzy pajamas 🙂
1 Comment
I’m glad you made it through. You were wonderful! And thanks for letting us stay after and have some extra fun!
Also, where the heck are my pajamas?? I so want a pair!