Tag Archives: the importance of family

Free Up Space On Your Plate For Joy!

Today I had a full plate….a ridiculously full plate. And not the yummy kind of full plate of holiday fudge and Christmas cookies (I wish!), I’m talking about the far less pleasant kind of full plate filled with all kinds of must-do’s that were time-sensitive (the worst kind of to-dos). So I dug in and […]

How COVID Has Helped Me

As COVID hits closer to home with more and more friends of ours coming down with it, it’s caused me to more and more realize and appreciate how precious each day we are given truly is…each day of health our family has is a day to be treasured and appreciated to the fullest.  As much […]

We Will Never Regret The Time We Spent, Only That We Didn’t Spend More

Tonight we said goodbye to our nephew and his wife as the two of them are moving back east to start a new job.  My nephew’s been living out here in Utah since 2012 when he first moved out to attend college and because his parents lived back East my husband and I became his […]

“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else”

No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” – P.T. Barnum If you haven’t yet seen the new movie “The Greatest Showman”…. GO SEE IT!  Oh my goodness it is fantastic!  Seriously, the storyline, the music, and the cinematography are just amazing!  And there are so many great messages in the film: […]