Tag Archives: what matters most

Nothing Will Ever Be As Important As…

Having been out of town all last week and being offline that whole time made today really overwhelming as I was faced with the stacks of envelopes and packages that arrived during our absence and the massive backlog of unread emails, texts, and voicemails needing to be returned. It was all I could do to […]

We Will Never Regret The Time We Spent, Only That We Didn’t Spend More

Tonight we said goodbye to our nephew and his wife as the two of them are moving back east to start a new job.  My nephew’s been living out here in Utah since 2012 when he first moved out to attend college and because his parents lived back East my husband and I became his […]

Ask Yourself What Is Really Important

“Ask yourself what is really important and then have the wisdom and courage to build your life around your answer.”  -Unknown There were a million and one things on my to-do list needing to get done, but as I sat by my father-in-law’s side all day in the medical clinic I knew I was exactly […]

If Anything Is Worth Doing, Do It With All Your Heart

“If Anything Is Worth Doing, Do It With All Your Heart.” – Buddha That advice in Buddha’s quote has been both a blessing and a curse in my life. It’s a blessing in that I have followed it religiously – if I do something I give it 100% and then some. I jump in fully […]

What Matters Most

“They do not love that do not show their love.” – William Shakespeare I can hardly believe that it is Thanksgiving this week!  I feel like the past few months have been a bit of a blur in which time has both stood still and yet been flying by. As odd as that description is, […]

Moments That Matter Most

Rather than writing much tonight I wanted to share a really short 3 minute video that has a message that is sure to inspire you today: And that says it all….perfectly…. Have a great day everyone! ~Amy Rees Anderson

Less knowledgeable doesn’t mean less valuable

There is a natural tendency when a person gains deep knowledge of a subject to begin to elevate themselves in their own mind as being “better than” or above other people who they feel are less knowledgeable.  What is too often forgotten is that while one may have great expertise in one area, there are […]