Your Get Rid of List

I read an amazing blog the other day written by someone I know who lives in Arkansas where my daughter Ashley is serving a mission. She and Ashley have become dear friends and this gal shared with Ashley some of the bad habits she is trying to get rid of in her life. Together she and Ashley blew up a big balloon for each bad habit she wants to get rid of. Then they wrote the name on the balloon. One bad habit she is trying to overcome is Tobacco so they wrote the word Tobacco on the balloon with a black marker. Then they are leaving these balloons which each have the word of the bad habit she is trying to get rid of on her bedroom floor so they will annoy the heck out of her until she can get rid of the habit, at which point she is allowed to pop the balloon.

What an AWESOME IDEA! Seriously, I LOVE it!  I am seriously going to do this myself. I am going to write down my bad habits, one per balloon, that I most want to get rid of in my life and throw them on my bedroom floor to bug me so they get on my nerves enough to make me want to fix them so I can pop the balloons.

Well, maybe I just better pick my top two or three bad habits to work on, otherwise my poor husband won’t be able to make his way to our bed because if I wrote them all down the floor might be covered 🙂

Seriously though, what a darling idea! Thanks to the sweet woman who wrote me about her blog and shared the awesome story about my daughter! Nothing is nicer for a mama then to hear about awesome things her daughter is doing in the lives of others. So proud of my baby girl for the example she is setting and the service she has dedicated herself to on this mission. LOVE YOU ASHLEY!

So go blow up those balloons and get out your black markers and start writing! Can’t wait til we can all pop our bad habit balloons! What a great goal!

“When you pull a weed, plant a flower” – Ashley Lewis

Happy day all!



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