Tag Archives: comparing yourself to others

Who You Are Is Evident In The Way You Treat Others

When I was CEO of my company interviewing people to hire, I never once had an interviewee choose to use their time in the interview to bash the other candidates applying for the job. And if they had, I certainly wouldn’t have been willing to hire them.  I would hire the candidate who shared our […]

Get Past The Feeling Of Never Being Enough

“How do you get past that feeling of never being enough when you are trying to juggle being a mom, working a full-time job, going to school, etc. It just feels like I’ll never be enough”  That was the question one of the women asked me today after hearing me talk at an event for […]

Reframing How We View Social Media

“The opposite of depression is purpose.”  –(a blog post from Ashley, daughter of Amy Rees Anderson) There was a book I read as a child called “You Are Special” by Max Lucado that I think perfectly teaches this principle. It’s about a wooden doll named Punchinello, who lives in a town full of Wemmicks (other […]