“If you have to sneak to do it, lie to cover it up, or delete it to avoid it being seen, then you probably shouldn’t be doing it.” -unknown
When we try to live such that we are able to have a clear conscience, life is so much easier! When I look at people who are dishonest and constantly trying to cover things up I cannot help but think how exhausting their lives must be. It has to be incredibly complicated and time consuming for them to always be worrying about keeping all their untrue stories straight, having to remember all the different versions they have told to whom and then try to keep real truth from coming out…it makes me tired just thinking about it!
That’s why I believe the easiest way to have a clear conscience is to just tell the truth and do your best to live in truth. Especially because when you are honest and forthright with others you don’t have to live in constant worry that something is going to come back to bite you.
“Keep conscience clear, then never fear.” – Benjamin Franklin
Beyond just telling the truth, to have a totally clear conscience we also have to be willing to stand up for what’s right whenever we become aware of situations where the truth is being distorted. No doubt standing up in those situations may seem intimidating or uncomfortable, or even scary, but when we are feeling that way we need to heed Benjamin Franklin’s advice and never fear doing the right thing.
Even though telling the truth at all times and standing up for what’s right in any circumstance may not always make you popular with everyone, it will definitely keep your conscience clear which will definitely bring you peace. A heck, I’d rather be popular in God’s eyes than anyone else’s eyes anyway!
Have a great day!
~Amy Rees Anderson
I love that. Be popular in God’s eyes. That’s all that matters anyway. Someone said always tell the truth. That way you don’t have to remember anything. I love your writing.
Thank you for these reminders, Amy!! 🙂