Tag Archives: dishonest

Ethics and Integrity

Today I flew to Atlanta in order to speak tomorrow at a conference for the National Ethics Directors Summit being held for University Ethics Directors from across the country.  When I was asked to come and speak at this Summit I went to great lengths to move my schedule around so I could make it […]

Success will come and go, but integrity is forever

If I could teach only one value to live by, it would be this: Success will come and go, but integrity is forever. Integrity means doing the right thing at all times and in all circumstances, whether or not anyone is watching. It takes having the courage to do the right thing no matter what […]

The Path Of Least Resistance Leads To Crooked Rivers And Crooked Men

“The path of least resistance leads to crooked rivers and crooked men.” – Henry David Thoreau Last Sunday a friend shared that quote during a conversation about doing the right thing even though doing the right thing isn’t always the easy thing. I liked the quote so much that I hurried and wrote it down […]

There Is No Such Thing As A Selfless Lie

There have been numerous scientific experiments which have proven that people lie for selfish reasons. Yet how often do we hear people say they lied to be selfless in order to protect the other person, or to avoid hurting the other person, or because they didn’t want the other person to think less of them, […]

The Value of a Clear Conscience

“If you have to sneak to do it, lie to cover it up, or delete it to avoid it being seen, then you probably shouldn’t be doing it.”  -unknown When we try to live such that we are able to have a clear conscience, life is so much easier! When I look at people who […]

See It Through

Over the years there have been many times I have been faced with situations where I needed to stand up for what was right. And many times I have had to be willing to stand up alone, which is never fun to do. It can feel daunting and even lonely to stand for what’s right […]

“The essence of honesty and integrity is not the words you use, it’s the message you convey.”

Honesty. It’s something that has always been of extreme importance to me in life. Perhaps being raised by a father who was in the FBI and who valued absolute honesty without exception had something to do with that, but I know that I was raised to value honesty and integrity above all else. I tried […]

Avoid Blessing Blockers. Surround Yourself With People of Integrity.

When we surround ourselves with people of Integrity our lives are always made better. And by that same token, when we associate with people who lack integrity our lives will always be made worse. I refer to people who lack integrity as Blessing Blockers. Throughout my career I have had the blessing of associating with many great people of integrity. […]

Declare your life a Drama Free Zone

Declare your life a Drama Free Zone – what a brilliant idea! Here is what it comes down to: People are going to disappoint us. They are going to make mistakes. They are going to hurt us and do dumb things. That is part of life. And it is up to us to forgive them […]

Trust What Someone Has Shown Themselves To Be, Not What We Wish That They Were

There have been a few times in my life where I really believed in someone and trusted them and then came to discover that they weren’t the person that I thought they were at all. It hurts a lot when you discover that someone you thought was a good person just isn’t. And then you […]

The Healing Power of Human Connection

Today started out rough.  I had to deal with a situation related to someone from the past that I once considered to be a friend, but who turned out to be an incredibly dishonest person who did a lot of horrible things that caused a lot of damage to a lot of people. Not exactly […]

“Don’t Let Behavior of Others Destroy Your Inner Peace” – Dalai Lama

It is a fact of life that we cannot control what other people do.  We can’t make someone else act with integrity, or make someone else do the right thing, and we can’t make someone else be a good person.  All we can really control in life is ourselves. When someone else does something bad […]