Tag Archives: connection

Why We All Need To Become Linguists!

I’ve thought a lot the last few days about the just how important it is that we try and understand the people we love’s love language. If your not familiar with what I mean by the term ‘love language’ it stems from a book titled “The Five Love Languages” written by Gary Chapman in which […]

We Are The Rememberers

I was in a meeting the other day at the Family History Library, which has the largest shared family tree database in the world, when someone giving a presentation surprised the person with me by playing an audio file for her that they’d located in the database.  Watching the immediate reaction of her hands shooting […]

Your Presence Is My Present

When my 21 year-old daughter wants to get my attention she will utter the phrase, “Your presence is my present.” That quote is a very effective way to remind someone to put away the distractions and focus on the moment you are sharing together. Spending quality time with someone gets harder and harder with all […]

You know you have created a good product when…

You know you have created a good product when people feel they can’t live without it, and when it is taken away from them they feel like their universe is falling apart! Our smart phones are the perfect example of that. I was on my way to speak at a High School District Conference today […]

Put Yourself Out There!

Tonight my husband and I attended a political fundraiser event that I was on the host committee for where politicians from both sides of the aisle participated in a talent show / variety show. There was everything from legislators performing a Riverdance celtic dance to Congresswomen singing Broadway tunes from Wicked and Hamilton to the […]

Life Is Short: Wear Your Party Pants!

Years ago I came across a speaker named Loretta Laroche, who is absolutely fabulous. She teaches people how to let go of stress and allow humor into their lives. She is definitely one of my favorite motivational speakers. Seeing as how today was a very long and stress filled day, I decided I could use […]