Tag Archives: reminders

Put Yourself Out There!

Tonight my husband and I attended a political fundraiser event that I was on the host committee for where politicians from both sides of the aisle participated in a talent show / variety show. There was everything from legislators performing a Riverdance celtic dance to Congresswomen singing Broadway tunes from Wicked and Hamilton to the […]

Gracias, Merci, Shukran, Danke, Mahalo, Dhanyayad, Grazie, Domo, THANK YOU!

Thank You! Two simple words that are said to be the most powerful words in the universe. “Thank You” is an acknowledgement that you appreciate the other person’s time, kindness, and talents they devoted to doing something. Saying “Thank You” is an expression to of love and kind thoughts. It`s the best way to say […]

To have a friend, be a friend.

How does one go about being a good friend?  We all have friends, and we all are a friend to someone else. But how often do we stop and take note of whether we ourselves are being a good friend to those we love?  I would admit that I don’t do it often enough.  And […]

Work/Life Balance — The Ultimate Oxymoron: (or 5 Tips to Help You Achieve Better Work/Life Balance) FORBES ARTICLE

One of the questions I am asked the most is, “How do you do it? How do you balance work life and home life?” The honest answer is, “I don’t.” I don`t do it all. No one can. For years I battled the guilt of not being able to do it all, especially during the […]