Tag Archives: unhealthy

Feed A Cold, Starve A Fever, but what the heck are you supposed to do when you have both?!

Forever people have said, “Feed a cold, starve a fever.”  So all I want to know is what the heck you are supposed to do when you have both?! Being sick is the pits! And according to the news there are a whole bunch of people painfully aware of how miserable it is to be […]

Healthy Competition

What makes competition a positive force over a negative force? And what is the definition of healthy versus unhealthy competition? “If you continuously compete with others, you become bitter, but if you continuously compete with yourself, you become better.” Let’s start by talking about Healthy Competition.  Healthy Competition can help to motivate people to put […]

If You Want to Achieve Your Goal, Share it!

“Research recently conducted by [Dr. Gail] Matthews shows that people who wrote down their goals, shared this information with a friend, and sent weekly updates to that friend were on average 33% more successful in accomplishing their stated goals than those who merely formulated goals.” Goal setting is one of the things I am the […]