Tag Archives: breaking bad habits

If you could do it again what would you have done differently?

An exercise I find really helpful in regards to self-improvement and learning from the past is to asking the question of myself: “If you could do it again what would you have done differently?” Don’t ask that question in the mindset of beating yourself up or to wallow in regret. Ask that question in order […]

Be strong enough to let go

“Be strong enough to let go, and wise enough to wait for what you deserve.” – unknown Letting go of something you have cared about, but recognize is hurting you, is never easy.  Whether it’s a toxic relationship (or just a relationship that is keeping you from moving forward), or a bad habit (especially an […]

It’s far easier to create good habits in life than to break the bad ones once they have formed

Bad habits. We all have them. And around this time of year many of us even start thinking about setting our New Year’s goals to help overcome them. Can you just imagine how amazing it would be if we had never formed our bad habits in the first place? Life would be so much better! […]

Breaking Bad Habits

Today I am going to share a very impactful analogy that a counselor once shared with me. It was an analogy that literally changed my life and I hope that it can help some of you that might be facing challenges in breaking bad habits that are holding you back from finding real happiness, so […]