Tag Archives: change

Be a Satisficer, not a Maximizer!

We make hundreds if not thousands of little tiny decisions every single day: whether to hit the snooze button, what to eat for breakfast, what to wear, what emails or calls to answer…and the list goes on and on, and usually we can make most of these decisions without having to put much thought into […]

The Open Your Heart Experiment

A few years ago I was invited to hear a talk being given by author Virginia Hinckley Pearce. In her talk she shared with us an experiment that she did that led her to write her book called “A Heart Like His: Making Space for God`s Love in Your Life”. It was awesome. And as […]

“You will never know your limits until you push yourself to them.”

The human spirit is an amazing thing.  It is capable of doing and becoming more than we ever recognize.  The fact is that we never really know our limits in life until we are pushed into them or until we push ourselves beyond what we are currently doing.  It is so easy to just do […]

“Don`t Count The Days…Make the Days Count”

All of us have worries and concerns in life. Things we are scared of. Things we are dreading. Worries about what “might” happen or what “might not” happen. It seems that there is a truly endless supply of things to spend our time being worried about. Yet, at the end of the day does the […]

Work/Life Balance — The Ultimate Oxymoron: (or 5 Tips to Help You Achieve Better Work/Life Balance) FORBES ARTICLE

One of the questions I am asked the most is, “How do you do it? How do you balance work life and home life?” The honest answer is, “I don’t.” I don`t do it all. No one can. For years I battled the guilt of not being able to do it all, especially during the […]

He Is Building A Palace

Life is full of unexpected events, changes, and uncertainty.  Sometimes those changes are exciting and wonderful, and sometimes they are devastating, painful and hard. C.S. Lewis is my favorite author.  I have learned many important life lessons by reading his books.  One of his quotes that has helped me tremendously as I have dealt with […]

I Wish I Would Have Thought Of That! (Forbes Article)

Every day we hear of amazing new business ideas that some enterprising entrepreneur stumbled on and we find ourselves saying, “I wish I would have thought of that!” That comment is typically followed by a few moments of deep thought as we look in the deep recesses of our minds to see if that next […]

“Refuse to Fight Small Battles with Petty People, Your Life is Bigger and Better Than That.”

My thoughts today are about petty people, mean people, and those who facilitate their bad behavior. All of us have dealt with them before, those people who are petty, mean, and selfish.  They are those people who are focused only on themselves, their wants, their hurts, and their problems.  The petty ones can be found […]