Tag Archives: goal

Seeking Success In A Finite Number of Hours A Day (Forbes Article)

We all have a finite number of hours in a day – 24 to be exact.  What we choose to do with those hours is of the utmost importance. We can waste our time, or we can use our time to improve ourselves and our lives. I have always felt passionate about the importance of […]

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

That is a fantastic Chinese Proverb I came across tonight that I had to share with all of you tonight because it is a perfect fit for what is on my mind. I have spent the last several weeks working on a landscaping design for our new home with our landscaper extraordinaire, Chip Galloway of […]

5 Unique Recruiting Ideas That Paid Off Big Time (Forbes Article)

Attracting the best and the brightest people to join your company is the goal of any good leadership team, but finding those people requires serious creativity in your recruiting efforts. Typically the strongest talent out there is going to be gainfully employed somewhere else. So the challenge becomes finding the people who are not out […]

“You will never know your limits until you push yourself to them.”

The human spirit is an amazing thing.  It is capable of doing and becoming more than we ever recognize.  The fact is that we never really know our limits in life until we are pushed into them or until we push ourselves beyond what we are currently doing.  It is so easy to just do […]

Grateful For Her Example

There is huge power in the examples set by the people we surround ourselves with.  Tonight I want to share a story of one of the great examples in my life.  My daughter Ashley is 17 years old.  For those of you who have followed my blog for a time, you are aware that last […]

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking…

If it is possible to fry your brain by processing too much data, on too many items, in too short a time frame, well let`s just say that I think my brain has hit its “turning to mush” point already this week. The amount of data flowing through my mind as I am trying to multi-task […]

Walk Toward The Landmark In The Distance

Do you ever feel like you have been busy all day, but accomplished very little?  Do you ever feel like you have been working hard to complete your day to day tasks, only to wake up tomorrow and feel like you are trapped in the movie “Groundhog Day” where each day seems to just repeat […]

Impossible Is Nothing

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible […]

Make It Happen

“Good things happen to those who wait. Greater things happen to those who get off their butt and do anything to make it happen.”   – Unknown Making it happen takes work!  And loads of it!  There is just no two ways about it.  If you truly want something in your life you can’t just sit […]

Have Something To Look Forward To!

“People who say that life is not worthwhile are really saying that they themselves have no personal goals which are worthwhile. Get yourself a goal worth working for. Better still, get yourself a project. Always have something ahead of you to “look forward to“, to work for and hope for.” (Maxwell Malz).  I don’t know […]

The Strength of Our Young People

Last Friday our charity, The IPOP Foundation (In Pursuit of Perfection) www.ipop.org held a business competition with the students of Alta High School.  Students were challenged to submit an idea for a new mobile app.  We had hundreds of students participate in the competition.  They had the option to submit an idea alone or in […]

To Have a Mom and To Be a Mom or To Play a Mom

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers, future mothers, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, nannies who play second mother, mothers who don’t or can’t have children of their own but who love children and provide mothering in one way or another, and single fathers who have to play the role of mother and father – so basically […]

I can’t believe it’s already been one year!

I can hardly believe that it was exactly one year ago, last Saturday, that we signed the closing documents to sell MediConnect (MCG).  Since that day it has been a sheer whirlwind of activity so when I realized that it was the one year anniversary over the weekend all I could think of is how it […]

Things You Must Give Up To Move Forward

As I start off each new week I always try to find some sort of quote or thought that will help inspire me to improve myself as I head into that week.  I am a HUGE believer in the importance of trying to constantly improve ourselves.   I think when we allow ourselves to become complacent […]

“Do More of What Makes You Awesome”

There is something amazingly powerful when a person takes their God given talents and puts them to use in a big way. Every one of us came into this life having our own unique talents. Some are obvious talents such as music, or dance, or writing, while others have less visual talents such as the […]

The Magic of the 2013 Goal Poster…You’ll Have to Read It To Believe It! (Forbes Article)

2013 marks the beginning of Magic Goal Poster number three in my life. And given how amazing the goals I am including on Goal Poster number three are, 2013 is guaranteed to be an EPIC year! I realize that many of you reading this are thinking, “What the heck is a magic Goal Poster? And, […]