Tag Archives: friendship

Words that inspire us

We have all read something that touches us or inspires us at just the right time in our lives.  Poems have a unique way of having that impact on us.  I was spending time with my daughter last weekend and we were talking about quotes and poems and stories that have really impacted us.  She […]

Together We Can Make Miracles Happen

Tonight we hosted an event at our home for approximately 60 women from our neighborhood. This event is held once a year and it’s called our “Favorite Things” night.  Each woman brings a favorite thing to share, then we sit in a large circle and go around the room and have each woman share with […]

“I’m Grateful For All The Things My Parents Didn’t Do For Me”

Tonight I received a phone call from one of my dearest friends who is out of the country right now traveling.  He said he was thinking about me and my husband today because he realized I was probably saddened with my kids leaving off to college and he just wanted me to know he was […]

We are All Equal and We All Deserve Respect

As a young man, Dr. Seuss was bullied over race and religion.  As an adult Dr. Seuss wanted to write a book that would send a message to children (and anyone else who read it) that all of us are equal.  The book he wrote is called The Sneetches. The book Sneetches is about the […]

Friends by Design

“In friendship…we think we have chosen our peers. In reality a few years’ difference in the dates of our births, a few more miles between certain houses, the choice of one university instead of another…the accident of a topic being raised or not raised at a first meeting–any of these chances might have kept us […]

Before You Assume…

“Before you “assume”, try this crazy method called asking.” Wow….that is a powerful quote.  When I first read it, it really hit me.  It is so true!  So often in life we just assume we know…we assume we know what someone thinks, we assume they did something just because someone else said they did, we […]

Life Isn’t About Avoiding the Storms, It’s About Learning to Dance in the Rain

Life is full of storms and always will be. Some days are a heavy rain, other days a light drizzle, and other days are torrential floods. And the fact is that these stormy days will come and go throughout our entire life because no matter how much we wish it could be all sunshine and […]

I Hope That Heaven is as Good as Today Was

My son Dalton arrived HOME today from having been gone for two very long years on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!  As we gathered at the airport with family and close friends to await his arrival the excitement was building like crazy. We had a huge welcome home sign […]

One Person Can Change Your Life Forever

21 years ago today I lay in a hospital room giving birth to a 9 pound 7 ounce beautiful baby boy.  It was my very first child. I was only 21 years myself when I gave birth that day, and now today, 21 years later, it is my son’s 21st birthday.  Crazy. I remember the […]

Sometimes we don’t need advice, we just need someone to listen…and other things men need to know about women

There are a lot of differences between men and women – it is those differences that make us fall in love with each other and it is those same differences that often cause us to drive each other crazy sometimes.  Even when both people in a relationship are good people, relationships are still going to […]

“Family, where life begins and love never ends”

“Family is like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.” I grew up in a family of ten children.  Five boys and five girls.  How my mother did it I will never know!  Especially because we weren’t the most mellow of children to say the least.  […]

Assume the Good and Doubt the Bad

“Think the best of each other, especially of those you say you love.  Assume the good and doubt the bad.”  -Jeffrey R. Holland So many times in life we hear something, or read something, or receive bits and pieces of information that leave room for interpretation of a situation or another person.  And the instant […]

To have a friend, be a friend.

How does one go about being a good friend?  We all have friends, and we all are a friend to someone else. But how often do we stop and take note of whether we ourselves are being a good friend to those we love?  I would admit that I don’t do it often enough.  And […]

Mirror, Mirror on the wall…You’re GORGEOUS!

On the wall of my friends office hung a princess mirror.  It wasn’t just any princess mirror, it was a Disney princess mirror that talked to you when you looked into the mirror, stating things like “that color looks lovely on you” and “you are so pretty”. It had to be my FAVORITE mirror ever! […]

Creative Group Date Ideas

With Valentines Day almost upon us I decided to search for creative Group Date Ideas that would help spurn my creativity as I attempt to plan a fun Valentine weekend. I came across multiple websites such as  www.niftydateideas.com and several others that had great date ideas.  I pulled my favorites from several of the sites to share in today’s blog.  Hopefully these will […]

Valentine Date Ideas To Help You Plan Ahead (hint hint)

Here are some fun date ideas to help you plan ahead for the holiday weekend of LOVE!  And a yummy recipe for a super easy dessert you can make.  Valentine’s Date Night Ideas The Cozy Concert: Check out local venues and find what up-and-coming concerts or bands are playing. Nothing sends love waves out like […]

An Ending and a New Beginning

For the last four years I have had the privilege of teaching an amazing group of young women every Sunday at church and then attending weekly fun activity nights with them on Wednesday evenings.  Four years ago I was assigned to teach the 14 and 15 year old girls in a class and then after […]

Families are Like Fudge…

“Families are like fudge, mostly sweet with lots of nuts!” As we head into the home stretch before Christmas Eve’s traditional gathering together of families everywhere, we ought to pause a moment to prepare ourselves to deal with the chaos ahead. I come from a very large family of ten children. My husband comes from […]

Always Remember That Life Goes On

I came across a poem that has a great message and wanted to share it with all of you: What a great poem to read, especially at Christmas time?  It reminds us that life is short so why waste a moment of it being unhappy?  No matter what goes wrong, life is going to go […]

The Most Beautiful People I Know…

“The most beautiful people I know are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.  These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion and a deep loving concern.”   -author unknown People who have been […]

The Key to a Good Marriage is Finding Someone With a Good Heart

Relationships are a tricky thing.  Men and women are so drastically different in so many ways that it is a serious miracle that we actually end up together in many ways.  We communicate differently, we show love differently, we have different expectations, we have different emotional responses…we are just plain different. And is if our […]

The Healing Power of Human Connection

Today started out rough.  I had to deal with a situation related to someone from the past that I once considered to be a friend, but who turned out to be an incredibly dishonest person who did a lot of horrible things that caused a lot of damage to a lot of people. Not exactly […]

And Everyone Wins

Hug O’ War I will not play at tug o’ war. I’d rather play at hug o’ war, Where everyone hugs Instead of tugs, Where everyone giggles And rolls on the rug, Where everyone kisses, And everyone grins, And everyone cuddles, And everyone wins. – Shel Silverstein When someone tries to pick a fight with […]

We Weren’t Meant To Do It Alone

So as many of you are aware, my 20 year old son is serving a 2 year mission for the LDS church in Mississippi right now.  Each week I get an email from him letting me know how things are going out in the field.  This week he sent an email that had an AMAZING […]

Get Your Sparkle On!

I have a great story to share with you today – it is a story that was shared with me tonight and it totally inspired me to want to GET MY SPARKLE ON!  Hopefully sharing it with you will inspire you to GET YOUR SPARKLE ON too! Going into this school year my daughter set a goal for herself […]

“If you find yourself racing through life, slow down long enough to take along some good friends.”

Sometimes we get so busy living our lives that we forget to slow down enough to make time for our friends. I have been guilty of that myself over the years, especially with working such crazy hours for so many years of my life.  Taking time off this summer to spend with my family has […]

The Happiest Place On Earth

And no, I am not talking about Disneyland.  I am talking about Lake Powell…that is the happiest place on earth in my opinion!  I was blessed to be able to spend the entire week there last week with my family and several of our dear friends.  We spent the week wakeboarding and surfing (oh, and […]

The Wisdom of Lessons Others Have Learned

As I was looking through some old files tonight I came across a document that contained life lessons that were shared from different people – the document doesn’t show the names of the people that shared these so I can’t list them for you, but the lessons shared were awesome lessons and very inspiring to […]

Love It While You Live It

So it is not very often that I would write about a quote from a sitcom as being a great life lesson, but this particular quote was so good that I haven’t been able to get it off my mind, so I figured I had better write about it today.  It was a quote from […]

How to Overcome the Doom and Gloom of Tax Day

So it’s tax day April 15th.  Oh my gosh there is just no way to say that without bringing everyone’s mood down into the dumpster.  So for my blog today I thought I would put together a list of suggestions of things you can do to help get over the sadness and gloom that comes […]