Tag Archives: stress

Success Comes From Focusing On Things You Can Control

There are a million aspects to life that are out of our control. And focusing on things you can’t control is absolutely pointless…no matter how much you focus on them you can’t control them so why waste the energy? Success comes when we stop worrying about those factors and things that are out of our […]

“No matter how you feel…Get up. Dress up. Show up. And never Give up.”

“No matter how you feel…Get up. Dress up. Show up. And never Give up.” That is going to be my mantra for the next few days to help me get through things. As any of you who follow my blog know, today I sent my daughter off on a mission for The Church of Jesus […]

Perhaps Its Time To Put The Glass Down

Every now and then you come across the perfect article or story at the perfect time in your life. That happened for me today. I don’t actually know who wrote this story or where it came from, but it had such an impact on me that I just had to share it with all of you. […]

It may not change the past but it sure does change the future

“No matter how good a friend someone is, they’re going to hurt you every once in awhile and you must forgive them for that.” When someone hurts your feelings you have two choices: You can hold on to the anger and bitterness and let it continuously bother you, or you can decide to forgive them […]

A little laughter to brighten your day

Sometimes something as simple as a funny little quote can totally make you laugh and brighten your entire day. I love it when I am having a down day and then someone comes along with a funny quote that makes me laugh out of the blue.  My kids send me hysterical quotes in text messages […]

Make a List and Check it Twice and Every Day!

Before I get into tonight’s blog topic I just wanted to share that last Friday night I was able to go to a huge Christmas concert which featured the star of the Disney animated feature film Frozen (one of my favorite Disney films), Santino Fontana who plays Hans in Frozen, singing with the world famous […]

Never Suppress A Generous Thought

In our cities so full of hustle and bustle it is amazing to watch how people are so absorbed in their own thoughts that they barely notice one another as they hurry past each other on the streets.  Often times we see someone lost or someone who dropped something on the ground and is struggling […]

The First Gift

I couldn’t think of a better message to share going into this weekend than this one I am going to share below. With all of the hustle and bustle of getting ready for the holidays and the holiday parties and concerts and family celebrations and shopping for presents, it is really easy to get totally […]

Happy Thanksgiving To All, And May Your Pants Still Fit You Come Monday :)

Yes that time has come again – Thanksgiving weekend is upon us!  I am SO EXCITED for the holiday time to spend with my family! My kids came home from college late last night for the rest of the week so I am super happy right now. There is nothing better in life then time […]

Life is Good when you keep things in Perspective

When life gets difficult or troublesome the best thing we can do is to step back and put things into proper perspective.  You can’t get hyper-focused on what is going wrong in the moment or it will feel like your entire world is crashing down whenever something difficult happens.  I like to think of it […]

Facing those “I don’t want to do” things that need to get done

Do you ever have one of those days where you have a massive pile of really important documents you need to get through, but they are all super hard and super time consuming and so you avoid doing them as long as possible…until it finally gets to the point that you realize that you just […]

Only 58 Days til Christmas..Say WHAT!?!

Can you believe it?  We actually start the month of November this Saturday!  It is insane how fast time has gone since the warm days of summer and sunshine. I am amazed how fast the fall has come and is now going this year.  Even daylight savings will come to an end this weekend and […]

The Cure for Frustration

There are about a zillion things that could cause us frustration in any given day.  The traffic, the weather, the line at the grocery store, your spouse forgot to do something you asked them to do, your kids didn’t listen, your boss is grumpy, your employees are slacking, and the list goes on and on…all […]

Sometimes you just gotta cross your fingers and pray

This afternoon my daughter called me from college to tell me she was coming home to spend the weekend with us.  I was super excited until she said “Yeah, and Dad is taking us repelling tonight”.  WHAT?!  Repelling??  That thing where you dangle from the edge of a cliff with nothing but a clip attaching […]

Redefine Failure (Forbes Article)

Fear of failure is said to be the greatest barrier to one’s success, which makes total sense given that our fear of failure is what stops us from making attempts in the first place. Yet, can anyone blame us for fearing failure? Just think about it, from the first moment we are born we begin […]

Worry…Never Mind It

“Worry refers the thoughts, images and emotions of a negative nature in which mental attempts are made to avoid anticipated potential threats.” – Wikipedia Worrying is all about the fear of “what might happen” and it is about as useless of a thing as exists!  Seriously, worrying does absolutely NOTHING to make any situation better, ever!  It […]

No Pressure, No Diamonds

No Pressure, No Diamonds…and let’s just be frank…life without Diamonds would be Un-Imaginable!  Just typing the words “no diamonds” makes me break into a cold sweat….it’s like typing the words “no happiness”…(tee hee)… Yes I admit, I love diamonds. And I don’t just kind of love them…I am head over heels in love with them!  […]

Together We Can Make Miracles Happen

Tonight we hosted an event at our home for approximately 60 women from our neighborhood. This event is held once a year and it’s called our “Favorite Things” night.  Each woman brings a favorite thing to share, then we sit in a large circle and go around the room and have each woman share with […]

Feeling like you’re failing?

Today I received an email from a dear friend who expressed her struggles to keep up with everything in her life while also attempting to be a good mother, which she usually feels she is failing at miserably.  As I read her email I couldn’t help but think of how so many of us struggle […]

Living in the Present

So taking time off this summer seemed liked the best idea ever except that while I am taking time off the rest of my life is piling up like crazy into a mountain that keeps getting bigger and bigger and the truth is that I am a little frightened for when the day comes that […]

What Do You Want To Do Before You Die?

Life is hectic.  We go go go and we are way too busy and we can’t seem to keep up with the ever growing to do lists we have.  We spend most days just trying to make it through our day and hope to get one or two items done on our list.  And this […]

I Try To Take One Day at a Time

“I try to take one day at a time, but lately several days have attacked me at once.” How often do we feel like that lady looks!  Way too often!!! Taking one thing at a time feels impossible most days.  Life doesn’t throw things at you one at a time with a nice little time […]

“Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.”

In all of living, have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.  –Gordon B. Hinckley What an important reminder.  You would think it would be a no-brainer that life is meant to be enjoyed, but I think the reality is that it is not.  It is so easy to […]

“Don’t look back! You`re not going that way!”

In today’s post I want to offer words of encouragement to anyone facing hard things in their life right now (which pretty much includes all of us in one way or another): As You Travel Through Life As you travel through life there are always those times When decisions just have to be made, When […]

“Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the heck happened!?

Do you ever look in the mirror and feel shocked to see a grown up staring back at you? Do you ever look in the mirror and realize that you can no longer pretend that you are still young, cool, and hip, and you are forced to face the fact that instead of being hip, […]

Life Is Short: Wear Your Party Pants!

Years ago I came across a speaker named Loretta Laroche, who is absolutely fabulous. She teaches people how to let go of stress and allow humor into their lives. She is definitely one of my favorite motivational speakers. Seeing as how today was a very long and stress filled day, I decided I could use […]

“A place for everything and everything in its place” -Ben Franklin

Today’s advice:  Organize your life BEFORE you move!  Oh my goodness how I wish I would have done just that!  I wish I would have had the time to organize my life before I had to move into a new home.  I have lived in my current home for around 15 years and it is […]

Being kind is a scientifically proven way to improve your spirits

Being kind is a scientifically proven way to improve your spirits – kindness is a natural antidepressant. So if you want to feel instantly better about yourself and change any negative feelings to positive ones, all you need to do is be kind to another human being. In a scientific study they found that when […]

It’s a Miracle!

I can hardly believe the day has actually come….we get to move in to our new house this weekend!  YIPEE!!  After an insane amount of hard work, stress, craziness, disappointment, frustration and every other emotion you can imagine, we have finally come to the point after a very long year and a half that our […]

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence…

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always […]