Tag Archives: motivation

If I Had My Life To Live Over

IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER  (by Erma Bombeck) I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the “good” living room and worried much less about the dirt […]

Life is an Echo

“Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you.” -Zig Ziglar I want to share a story with you called “The Mountain Story.” A son and his father were walking in the mountains. Suddenly, his son […]

There Is Only Black and White, Not Any Shades Of Grey

When I was young I used to get frustrated that my Father always saw everything as black and white – there was never any grey as far as he was concerned. As a little kid I would always try to explain to him why the grey sometimes existed and without fail I would end up […]

Some days you just need to go to the “Pooh Tent”

I’m sure everyone reading the title of today’s blog has to be wondering what the heck I could possibly mean when I say that some days you just need to go to the Pooh tent?  I’ll explain: Years ago I shared in a blog how when my children were young and they were acting badly […]

Make Pearls from Sand

The Oyster Story There once was an oyster whose story I tell, Who found that some sand had got into his shell. It was only a grain, but it gave him great pain. For oysters have feelings although they’re so plain. Now, did he berate the harsh working of fate Which had brought him to […]

Be Careful What You Plant

Over the weekend my husband and I went and picked up our first batch of flowers to plant in our yard. I say the first batch because it typically takes us five or six truckloads of flowers to get enough to cover the yard. Every year I try to talk him into hiring someone else […]

The Impact of One Kind Word

Drop a Pebble in the Water Drop a pebble in the water: just a splash, and it is gone; But there’s half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on, Spreading, spreading from the center, flowing on out to the sea. And there is no way of telling where the end is going to be. Drop […]

Healthy Competition

What makes competition a positive force over a negative force? And what is the definition of healthy versus unhealthy competition? “If you continuously compete with others, you become bitter, but if you continuously compete with yourself, you become better.” Let’s start by talking about Healthy Competition.  Healthy Competition can help to motivate people to put […]

If you want a thing bad enough

If you want a thing bad enough To go out and fight for it, Work day and night for it, Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it; If only desire of it Makes your aim strong enough Never to tire of it, If life seems all empty and useless without […]

Be careful with your words

“Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten.” Lashing out, saying things in anger, yelling, name calling, demeaning, putting someone down…all of these things create wounds that are far slower to heal than a physical wound and they leave emotional scars behind that never quite go away. […]

Avoid discouraged, depressed, and empty!

Motivation. We all need it. Not just once or twice, but every single day of our lives. If we don’t refuel our motivation tanks on a regular basis we will burn through them and find ourselves discouraged, depressed, and empty. It would be nice if we had a low fuel indicator light on our personal […]

Justification is a slippery slope

Justification is a slippery slope that will drag you downhill fast if you allow yourself to engage in it. Just think about it, the entire purpose of justification is to try and make some that is just plain wrong appear to actually be right. It’s an attitude that the ends justifies the means – but […]

It could be that a small miracle is at play

At the end of last week I was invited by my friend Spencer Eccles to attend an Economic Conference out at Stanford University with a small group going out together. It was a fantastic event and I was so grateful I was able to attend it because I learned a tremendous amount and I met […]

Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck

Given that this Thursday is St. Patrick’s Day I figure this is the perfect week to talk about luck. We have all heard of the four leaf clover. It`s also sometimes referred to as a shamrock. They are said to bring good luck to anyone who can find one of them. According to legend, each […]

Some days you gotta just push through it

Yesterday morning when I woke up I could tell I was starting to feel a little sick but I had so much going on yesterday that I tried to ignore it and I was able to get through hosting my son’s big event at our house Sunday night. Then I woke up this morning and […]

Olympic Gold Medalist Nikki Stone Interviews On Sticking Your Neck Out

This morning I was asked by Olympic Gold Medalist Nikki Stone to come and do a live interview with her for a segment on the TV Show “Good Things Utah” on ABC4Utah television. During this segment Nikki interviews successful business people who learned to “stuck their neck out”, a premise based on Nikki’s bestselling book “When Turtles Fly: […]

Sometimes you need to stop and remember the WHY

We often start things with a very good reason behind why we are doing it. There is typically a motivation that is driving us forward. But sometimes we can get so busy doing something that we totally lose sight of WHY we started doing it in the first place! It’s so critical for each of […]

Motherhood Is Not A Liability To A Woman’s Ability In Business, So Don’t Act Apologetic As If It Is (Forbes Article)

When I started my first technology company in my early 20’s it never even crossed my mind that I was a bit of an anomaly being a female CEO in a male dominated tech industry. Frankly, the first time I really even became aware of how few women executives there were in the tech industry […]

You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy shoes, and that’s kind of the same thing

When I saw that quote today: “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy shoes, and that’s kind of the same thing.” I busted out laughing …and frankly after the icky week I have had I desperately needed a good laugh because laughter is supposed to be nature’s best medicine!  And I need all the […]

Fight Off the Winter Blues

First remember to keep calm, it’s only a four day work week and you are one down, three to go! I think a four day work week is great – except all that stuff we all pushed off last week with the excuse that we would do it after the long weekend turned up TODAY…so […]

What will your mark on this world be?

We all come into this world for a time, not knowing how short or long the time we have in this life will be. We go about our lives being busy, getting things done, and hopefully having some fun along the way. But when is the last time we really sat down and thought about […]

Delicious Ambiguity

Certainty…it’s something we all long for because we want that feeling of security, but the fact is that none of us can ever really get it because life is, and always will be, full of uncertainty. That’s why the key to being at ease in life is to learn to embrace uncertainty. So how do […]

The Rules for being AMAZING!

All i can say is…ENOUGH SAID! Have an incredible day everyone – go BE AMAZING! ~Amy

You’re Alive For A Reason, Don’t Forget That. It’s Called Your Purpose.

Purpose. Every single one of us has a purpose to fulfill in this life. Something unique that we, and only we, can accomplish. Something that if we use our talents and God-given gifts to fulfill it, will make this world a better place. It is our mark to leave upon this earth and our legacy […]

I AM…two of the most powerful words

“I AM…two of the most powerful words, for what you put after them shapes your reality.” What a great quote. When I saw it today it really made me stop and think and I love quotes like that. We don’t often enough think about the words we say about ourselves, and yet the things we […]

January Is The Perfect Time To Start Some Non-Holiday Traditions

January can sometimes feel like a little bit of a “let-down” month after coming off all the exciting holiday bliss of December. The decorations are all put away, the vacation time came to an end, there aren’t as many exciting holiday parties and family gatherings to be excited about, and what used to seem like […]

The Day That Got Away

Have you ever woken up with a ton to get done and then worked your tail off all day only to find that you finished like 2% of what you actually needed to get done? Yeah…that was my day today. You know they say that time flies when you’re having fun, but the fact is […]

The Fastest Way To Achieve Success Is To First Help Others Succeed (Forbes Article)

Without a doubt, the fastest way to achieve success is to first help others succeed. Yet, there seems to be a belief in the business world that the only way to get ahead is to only watch out for ‘number one’. That is simply not the case. Brian Tracy explained it best when he said, […]

The New Year Is More Than Just A Change In Calendar, It’s The Perfect Time To Change Ourselves.

The New Year is more than just a change in calendar, it’s the perfect time to change ourselves by making a commitment to become better. It’s the perfect time to take a good hard look at the things we want to change in our lives and recognize what actions we have to take in order […]

My Christmas Wish For You

I cannot believe that tomorrow is Christmas! I am SO EXCITED!! But not because of any presents I will get…I’m excited because tomorrow I get to talk on Skype to my daughter Ashley who is away serving her 18 month mission for the LDS Church. We only get to talk to her once on Mother’s Day […]