Tag Archives: self-confidence

Don’t Be So Focused On The Steps That You Forget To Dance!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to dance. Anyone who spends five minutes with my family pretty much knows that my husband and I and our two kids are constantly dancing around to music as we drive, as we clean the house, as we throw impromptu dance parties pretty much any place, anytime. I still remember coming […]

When’s the last time you read a Fairy Tale?

“Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.”   C.S. Lewis What a great quote and even better reminder.  As a kid we love reading fairy tales and watching them on TV and in our favorite Disney movies. We dream about Once Upon A Time and Happily Ever After on a […]

Life is Like a Camera…

When I was wandering the streets of Europe on a recent trip I came across a little shop that had the cutest saying posted in their window. I liked it so much I had to snap a photo of it so I could be sure to remember it.  Here is what the sign said: Life […]

We are all that person that can change the world

I don’t often share videos in my blog because I know everyone’s time is short and just the fact you take time out of your day to read my blog is such an honor that I try to keep them quick to read. However, I had to share this video with you today because it’s […]

Not to spoil the ending for you…

“Not to spoil the ending for you, but everything is going to be OK!” My gosh if we could just remember that quote every day of our lives we would be able to live life so much happier!!!  And the reality is that deep down, I know that that statement is absolutely true. I know […]

Experience: That Most Brutal Of Teachers

“Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.” –C.S. Lewis So true, isn’t it? When we look back at our lives we always find that experience was the very best teacher in life. Some days I really wish that wasn’t the case because often times experience can be brutal […]

It’s Always the People Who Know the Least About You…

“It’s always the people who know the least about you, who want to judge you the most.” Whenever you are feeling judged by other people you have to remember that quote because it is SO TRUE! You can’t allow yourself to spend time worrying what other people think of you or how other people are […]

All The Things You’re Not

You are not your age, Nor the size of clothes you wear, You are not a weight, Or the colour of your hair. You are not your name, Or the dimples in your cheeks, You are all the books you read, And all the words you speak. You are your croaky morning voice, And the […]

Choose Your Own Adventure

Remember back when you were a kid and they had those Choose Your Own Adventure books?  I used to love those! You would start off reading the story and get to the bottom of the page and it would say, “To choose to do <this> go to page x or to choose to do <that> […]

Does Life Ever Get Easier?

I remember as a kid thinking how I couldn’t wait to become and adult because life seemed so much easier for adults. Being a kid felt hard….I mean after all, Adults got to go out whenever they wanted to, they had money to buy whatever they wanted (at least that’s what you thought as a […]

Choose to be Mentally Strong!

“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.”   – Rikki Rogers As we go through life we have to decide what kind of person we are going to be. Will we be mentally strong, or will we be mentally weak? The choice is ours. […]

“When something goes wrong in your life, just yell “Plot Twist” and move on.”

“When something goes wrong in your life, just yell “Plot Twist” and move on.” We’ve all experienced times when our best laid plans are interrupted with some unexpected twist that completely changes everything. It can happen with major life situations like losing a job or having a relationship unexpectedly end, or it can happen with […]

Positive, Optimistic, and Determined

“I am too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” I love that quote because it provides a stark comparison to two ways we can choose to live our lives.  We can either be doubtful, fearful, and defeated….or we can be positive, optimistic, and determined….which sounds better […]

Find something you’re passionate about

“If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.” We can all find something we are passionate about in life. And hopefully we have many things we are passionate about. The key is to figure out what they are. Some we come to […]

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

Tomorrow early morning we send our daughter off to go and serve a voluntary 18 month long mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  For the next 18 months she will be sacrificing time away from her family, home, friends, cell phones, Facebook, Instagram, college, vacations, trips to Lake Powell, movies, etc […]

It may not change the past but it sure does change the future

“No matter how good a friend someone is, they’re going to hurt you every once in awhile and you must forgive them for that.” When someone hurts your feelings you have two choices: You can hold on to the anger and bitterness and let it continuously bother you, or you can decide to forgive them […]

Always Act Like You Are Wearing An Invisible Crown

I love that! Maybe because I am a girl and every little girl is born thinking she is a princess, so the crown just seems natural to us 🙂 Today was my daughter Ashley’s farewell talk that she gave in our church meeting in preparation to leave on her mission. The subject of her talk […]

Discovering All That is Inside of You

Deep within each of us lies talents, abilities, and powers that go so far beyond anything we could begin to imagine. Too often in life we sell ourselves short thinking “I can’t” or “I am not capable of…” or “I am afraid to try in case I fail”.  We hide our true potential behind a […]

“Choose to be a Hero”

Today, former republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney came to speak to 15,000 students down at Brigham Young University (BYU). I wasn’t able to make it down for the talk but both of my kids did and they came home this evening to go to a Utah Jazz basketball game with my husband and I and […]

My Little Epiphany of Genius!

Today during a discussion I had a sudden epiphany of understanding that shed absolute clarity to one of life’s greatest mysteries – understanding the difference between men and women and their insecurities!  I am talking a serious flash of genius that was so obvious I couldn’t believe I hadn’t recognized it a long time ago.  […]

Value Yourself and Others Will Follow Suit

Imagine you are at a car lot looking at a car for sale. You ask the salesperson to tell you about the car.  They respond, “Its okay I guess. It could be shinier, and it could go faster, and the color isn’t great, and it doesn’t have the best radio, and it’s not the cleanest, […]


When faced with an intimidating situation, ask yourself, What Would Wonder Woman Do?  Or WWWWD for short 🙂 Tonight I hosted the Utah Wonder Women event at my home.  It is a group of high powered business women throughout the State that gather together to network and discuss business.  The group was put together by […]

You Can’t Be Sad When You Are Holding a Cupcake

I am thoroughly convinced that you can’t be sad when you are holding a cupcake or a bowl of ice cream.  It is impossible to do.  And that is why I highly suggest that anyone having a hard day go out and get either a cupcake or a bowl of ice cream and then you […]

Uncompromising Loyalty

Many of us grew up with a security blanket.  It typically started as an actual blanket for most of us when we were small children, one we couldn’t go to bed without.  Then as we grow older our parents and our home become our security blanket, the place we felt safe and secure.  And then […]

Change It, or Change your Attitude

“If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”  -Maya Angelou In life there are some things you can change but there are a whole lot of things you can’t.  And determining the difference between the two is a key factor in controlling your own happiness in life.  Sometimes […]

DFTBA – Don’t Forget To Be Awesome!

DFTBA- Don’t Forget To Be Awesome.  Best reminder EVER!    How great would it be if every morning we woke up and had a big sign on our bathroom mirror that said “DFTBA” to remind us to go out and be awesome every day.  After all, every one of us is totally capable of being awesome […]

Improving Our Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a topic we read self-help books about and go to workshops to try and improve.  Everyone struggles to some extent with questions of their own self-worth.  It is a constant struggle for many people.  I believe that the key to self-esteem is to stop worrying what other people think about you and start […]

When Someone Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them

Throughout my career I have encountered many people in the business world:  Some are honest and good, and some are not.  The most important thing to recognize is this – when someone shows you who they are through their actions and their behavior – BELIEVE THEM!  If someone has shown a track record of honesty […]

“If People Are Trying to Bring You Down…”

“If people are trying to bring you down it only means that you are above them.”  I spent time tonight talking to a close friend who has a teenager daughter who is being horribly bullied in school.  Her daughter, like many teenage girls, suffers from low self-esteem.  She thinks her body isn’t thin enough, she […]

The “I’ll be happy when” trap

I’ll be happy when ____ happens. I’ll be happy when I have ______.  I’ll be happy when _____ loves me.  I’ll be happy when I look like _____. The “I’ll be happy when” trap is one of the easiest to fall into. I know because I have fallen into myself far too many times.  For […]